
Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Let the UFO Hearings in Congress Begin!

Disclosure of “off -world technology” by the US Government may be right around the corner.  This will confirm to the world what many have believed for years;  mainly that  intelligent life evolved on other planets and they have been visiting earth using advanced technology for hundreds of years.  Of course Bible readers know there was intelligent life created by God before men, called angels.  Bible readers know that life doesn’t evolve from non-life anywhere in the universe.  Bible readers should understand that these UFOs and “aliens” are all part of a grand deception set out by the Father of all lies himself. And yes, the world will believe it.


As Congress prepares to hold the first public hearing on UFOs in half a century, the Pentagon and intelligence agencies are feuding internally over how much to cooperate with demands to investigate and share what they know, according to current and former national security officials.

Pentagon officials are under increasing pressure to carry out Congress’ recent mandate to establish a permanent effort to coordinate research into reports of highly advanced aircraft of unknown origin intruding into protected airspace.

But there is a tug of war among competing factions inside the national security bureaucracy that will make it difficult for Congress to compel military branches, spy agencies, national laboratories and other organizations to come clean given the longstanding secrecy and stigma surrounding the issue.

“Without forcing peoples’ hand, it is going to be very difficult to uncover legacy ventures and programs that we know about based on oral interviews we dug up,” said a Defense Department official who is involved in the new effort but was not authorized to speak publicly. “There has to be a forcing mechanism.”

“There has to be something to hold people accountable but also give them a chance to come out clean for a period of time,” the official added, noting that in his experience the Pentagon oversight group has been “stonewalled.”

The official said there are people with knowledge of the phenomena who have yet to contribute to the oversight effort.

“These people exist and they are protecting very interesting information,” the official said.

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