
Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Russia Fires at Israeli Jets

 Do you want to know how WWIII would actually start?  Probably not with a huge bang, but probably with Russia going into Ukraine, China invading Taiwan, Russia firing on Israeli jets and killing the pilots, Iran firing on US troops in Iraq, and a handful of other military events all happening at once.  They would all add up to the day when nations would all need to take sides.  Some would be drawn in by errant fire.  Some events could be False Flags, but when you add it all up you would discover that the whole world was at war someplace.

Soon, neutral countries like Finland and Sweden realize that it's kind of scary to be threatened by a massive bully next door.  So they join NATO and now Russia feels threatened by the giant NATO bully next door.  So they decide to lash out even more! maybe shutting off all gas to Germany or all electricity to Finland!

Today's headline is interesting because Israel has been doing it's level best to stay on good terms with Russia.  As we know, Russia has been in Syria helping Bashar Al Asad with his Civil War.  Up til now they have allowed Israel to fly bombing missions into Syria and destroy anything that Israel thinks is not good for their interests.  But now we read that maybe Russia isn't going to give Israel a pass anymore?  Maybe they are going to try and shoot down Israeli jets flying over Syria?  That could escalate things further.

Russia used advanced anti-aircraft missiles to target Israeli jets carrying out airstrikes in Syria, marking a major departure from a previous policy of essentially allowing the Israeli Air Force free reign to operate in the area, according to a report from Channel 13 News.

While never officially confirming nor denying the air strikes, Israel has bombed numerous Iranian assets and targets in Syria in recent years.

Russia, which has partnered with embattled Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, has de facto control over Syrian airspace and until now has not interfered in IAF bombing missions.

According to the report, the IAF targeted a number of sites in northwestern Syria last Friday evening.

In a statement after the air raid, Syrian military forces said they launched dozens of anti-aircraft missiles at Israeli aircraft. Those missiles are not advanced enough to pose a risk to the IAF.

But, Channel 13 noted, S-300 batteries also fired on Israeli jets. The advanced anti-aircraft S-300 were donated to Syria by Moscow and are operated strictly by Russian military personnel.

Although the system was unable to lock onto the IAF jets and the aircraft were not in serious danger of being hit, the move may signal a serious shift in Russian policy regarding Israeli activity in Syria.

In February 2022, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova spoke out against IAF airstrikes in Syria in an unprecedented public statement denouncing Israel.

“Israel’s continuing strikes against targets inside Syria cause deep concern. They are a crude violation of Syria’s sovereignty and may trigger a sharp escalation of tensions,” she said.

In January 2022, Hezbollah-affiliated Lebansese newspaper Al-Akhbar newspaper said that Syria and its allies, including Iran, expressed deep dissatisfaction with the Russians, demanding that Russia stop allowing IAF air strikes in Syrian territory.

Here;  Honeymoon over? Russia fires at Israeli jets in Syria: report | World Israel News

Keep looking up and praying Maranatha!  Come Lord Jesus!  We know we sound like a broken record but it really is becoming very obvious that there is NO WAY that we are ever going back to "normal".  And there is no way that men are going to become less sinful.  It's only going to get worse.  We can see where this is all going and I'm getting real eager to see what Jesus has been preparing for us.

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