
Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Alien Deception: We’ve Been Primed

Of course it’s always a little gratifying, confirming and back-patting when you read about other folks coming around to the idea that aliens are really demons in disguise.😀


Let me cut to the chase right up front – My take on aliens is that it’s partly a psychological operation (“psych ops”) in order to rally the world population together against a common enemy (an essential element of totalitarianism that would usually be other countries but in a “one world order” it has to come from elsewhere, I guess).

But this is not a psych ops with no substance behind it – it’s a ploy with real teeth. You see I think it will be demons (stay with me now…) who will present themselves as aliens (OK so fallen angels are probably aliens in the strict use of the term, but they are not an evolved species from another planet). The reason would be to rally humanity under a single totalitarian system, a kingdom, with Lucifer himself seated as king (probably through a human proxy). If you thought the loss of freedom and coercion because of a virus or climate change was bad enough, imagine what could be imposed upon the masses if there was an existential threat from an alien force?

But you can’t tell me governments have been hatching this plan for generations? No, that’s right, they play a support role but haven’t written the script. It’s not the brainchild of the CIA or any other natural entity – it’s a supernatural plan. People are just not that coordinated nor dedicated over generations to pull this one off.

I guess another version of demons masquerading as aliens is that they would be “good” aliens, bringing us medicine and technology and through these things unite the planet in a globalist utopia. It would have the same end – worship of the king of the kingdom of earth. But somehow my sense of the dramatic would rather go with the false enemy scenario – existential threat is way more powerful than kind gifts of technology to bring people under extraordinary control.

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