
Thursday, June 30, 2022

Bangladesh Sees Worst Flooding Ever

 Bangladesh is always getting flooded. It must be a miserable place to be.  Throw on top the hell created by Islam and you end up with a real sewer of a place.  Today we find that the recent flooding isn’t just flooding as normal but the worst flooding EVER seen!  Also notice the word NEVER used.  When we see NEVER and EVER in an article it almost always becomes blog worthy.  


An estimated 7.2 million people have been affected and are in desperate need of shelter and emergency relief after heavy monsoon rains hit Bangladesh, causing record-breaking floods. 

From early June, torrential rain and upstream water have completely submerged around 94% of the town of Sunamganj and 84% of Sylhet districts, in northeastern Bangladesh, bordering the Meghalaya state of India.1

Parts of Meghalaya have experienced the highest amount of rainfall in decades, which has led to the overflowing of large river systems running between India and Bangladesh and completely swallowing surrounding areas.

“We have never seen this sort of flooding in our living memories in that region,” said Bangladesh Red Crescent Society Secretary General Kazi Shofiqul Azam.

“Hundreds of thousands of people took refuge as their houses went under water and almost all their neighborhoods inundated. Large parts of Sunamganj and Sylhet were completely cut off due to severe disruption of road communication and power cuts.”

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