
Friday, June 24, 2022

China Launches Warship While US Navy Produces Video Explaining Proper Pronouns and "Safe Spaces"

 You really can't make this stuff up.  I personally saw it coming almost 10 years ago when my boys were in the army and I would ask them what they did today and they would tell me they had to watch Power Points on transgender soldiers.  So sadly, while most of the rank and file military probably leans Conservative, the decision makers at the top have all gone WOKE.  This doesn't lean well for Conservatives if the US Military starts to target those Americans who remain UNWOKE.

Do you have four minutes of your life to throw away? Do you have spare brain cells you want to kill off? Then watch this video, produced by the U.S. Navy -- which means, produced by American taxpayers -- on "proper" -- that is, politically correct -- gender pronouns.

"What is a pronoun?" these grown-ups ask seriously. What is this, a graduate level English seminar? But unlearn everything you've known since you first learned to talk, because everything you know about language is wrong, or something. And you have to believe them, because they're wearing rainbow shirts.

Believe them at your peril, because their definition doesn't even make sense. "A pronoun is how we identify ourselves, apart from our name, and it's also how people refer to us in conversation," says the nice lady. First, that's not a definition; that statement answers the question, "How do we use a pronoun?" not, "What is a pronoun?" But I really don't expect proper use of the pronoun "what" from inside that rainbow-colored, mental pea soup.

Second, her "definition" of pronoun contains five pronouns (we, ourselves, our, it, and us), indicating she understands that her audience already knows the answer. It also indicates she understands that pronouns are not arbitrary place holders, but that the correct pronoun is determined by the number, gender, and case of the noun it replaces, and that noun's position in the sentence.

Third, for everyone who has effortlessly incorporated pronouns into his or her speech without contemplating its definition since grade school (in other words, normal people), a pronoun is a word used in place of a noun, not platform for self-expression.

According to this video -- again, produced by a branch of the U.S. military -- the way to create "a safe space for everybody" is not by projecting strength, nor by eliminating all the bad guys. It's through using "inclusive language" (here they illustrate not with pronouns, because that would manifest the absurdity, but with gender-neutral nouns). 

They proceed to discuss how "we can show that we're allies" -- but it's not by conducting joint naval drills with Estonia or South Korea. No, according to the U.S. Navy, we show we're allies by including our pronouns in our emails, or advertising them when we introduce ourselves in a conversation.

If you were a Conservative country trying to keep marriage as one man and one woman and trying to teach their children that there are only two would consider the USA an enemy of your country.  And maybe we HAVE turned into a nation that is hell-bent on spreading our filth and lies all over the globe?  Maybe we have turned into the evil empire?  Maybe Russians are the good guys trying to stop the West from destroying their conservative values and perverting their children?   Weird to think about it that way.

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