
Friday, June 24, 2022

Objectophilia is When People Are Sexually Attracted to Objects

 Are you ready for some new tolerance and acceptance demands?  If you don't accept what these people are BORN WITH then I would suggest that you are 'objectophobic' along with intolerant and close minded and you are a bigot and probably a racist!!

Watch this 4 minute video from The Learning Channel about a man who is in a sexual relationship with his car.

Soon there will be a church where objectophiliacs can worship openly without shame and judgment for their behavior.  And soon a new hymnal will come out with songs about how God loves these folks just as they are!  "I've been in a committed relationship with my car for 5 years now and I was just sick of being judged by the people of my church.  They kept telling me that I wasn't normal.  They kept telling me that having sex with my car was not productive!  They wouldn't let me teach Sunday School anymore when I finally came out to them!  But now that I'm at my new church where LGBTQIAO+ can worship Jesus exactly as we want, and we can do anything we want and there is never any talk about hell, perversion, sin, repentance and born again...we are all SOOO much happier!  And isn't that REALLY what life is about?"

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