
Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Food Prices to Double by This Fall

 My wife and I pray together most mornings.  Our prayer for the past months have included asking God for discernment. Asking to be like the “sons of Issachar” who were men who “understood the times and knew what Israel should do.”  Does God want us packing up and moving to South Dakota?  Are we supposed to stockpile food, firewood, gasoline?  Are we really going to experience the economic collapse of America and its people “going bananas”?  Or are we supposed to stay calm, spread the Gospel and know that Jesus is coming for us before the bottom falls out?


Not too long ago, the elite were trying to put a happy face on our growing economic problems.  It was obvious that things were trending in a very alarming direction, but they kept assuring us that any bumps in the road were just temporary and that a new golden age of prosperity was just around the corner.  

Needless to say, there were dead wrong, and now some of them are publicly admitting the truth.  For example, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon just publicly admitted this week that an economic "hurricane" is rapidly approaching...

Jamie Dimon is no meteorologist, but the JPMorgan Chase CEO is predicting an economic "hurricane" caused by the war in Ukraine, rising inflation pressures and interest rate hikes from the Federal Reserve.

"Right now it's kind of sunny, things are doing fine. Everyone thinks the Fed can handle this," Dimon said at a Bernstein conference. "That hurricane is right out there down the road coming our way."

JPMorgan Chase is one of the most important financial institutions in the entire world.

So it is a really big thing for Dimon to make a statement like this.

But as I keep warning my readers, this is just the beginning.

In fact, one prominent Texas farmer is warning that food prices "are going to double"...

"People don't realize what's fixing to hit them," said Texas farmer Lynn "Bugsy" Allen.

"They think it's tough right now, you give it until October. Food prices are going to double."

Can you imagine that?

Can you imagine what it will do to our country if food prices double from their already extremely inflated levels?

People will go absolutely bananas.

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