
Wednesday, June 8, 2022

China and Russia Planning Simultaneous Attack on America??

 This guy, Mike Adams, from Natural News is pretty far out there when it comes to the "news' he reports.  So I'm not saying that anything in this article is true, you will have to discern for yourselves.  However, this blog has been posting the HEADLINES that come across our desk, the good the bad and the ugly.  People are seeing these headlines and so many, many of them are reporting on the soon demise of America.

Today we find Mr Adams reporting that he has information the Russia and China are planning a simultaneous attack on America with plans on occupying it.  

The summary of that interview is stated here, from the website: (emphasis ours)

According to Mr. Wang, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is financing Russia’s war in Ukraine. However, he says, Russia’s best forces are not being used in Ukraine. They have been deployed in the Far East, prepared for action against America.

According to Lude media sources, China will try to use nuclear blackmail and unrestricted warfare to collapse the United States while forcing Taiwan, Japan and South Korea under Chinese control. Failing this, China and Russia will launch a full-scale war against the United States. The Russian and Chinese fleets will be united – not in the same ocean – but by attacking the same continent, North America. The Russians will attack through the Arctic, the Chinese through the Pacific.

According to Mr. Wang, the lockdowns in China have been used to hide the deployment of mobile ICBMs and other weapons. Streets have been cleared and highways closed for this purpose. To avoid satellite detection, missile convoys have been disguised as medical or COVID convoys. Lude Media has reported that Russia and China have an agreement to invade and occupy North America, dividing the territory between them.

Here;  RED ALERT: Russia and China planning simultaneous attack to ELIMINATE the United States and occupy North America –

I think all of us watching movies in the 1980's remember the movie, RED DAWN which was the fictional story of Russia invading America and the brave high school kids who turned into guerilla fighters to stymy the nasty Reds.

I will tell you that with Americans having millions of firearms in the hands of private citizens along with billions of rounds of ammunition, it would be really hard for a nation to occupy America without taking serious losses.  This is probably why Satan is doing his best to continue pushing mass shootings in hopes the Democrats in power will be able to push massive gun control and start trying to remove some of these firearms from the citizenry. If nations were one day planning on occupying America it would be much, much easier to walk into Berkeley, CA and know that no one had any guns.

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