
Thursday, June 9, 2022

LGBTQ is Outraged Over Nancy Reagan Stamp

 Not sure when the Civil War is starting in America but I do know that it’s getting harder to imagine that Left and Right will be able to co-exist much longer.  The Left is constantly outraged over any and everything.  Statues need to be torn down, cities need to be burned down, kids need drag-queen dancers gyrating in their faces, guns need to be taken, there are 35 genders and everyone needs to know all their pronouns, there is no God, especially the God of the Bible, college should be free as well as all health care and every American at age 18 should get a national income to cover the basics of living.  This is the dream of the Left and the nightmare of the Right.  Today we read that Nancy Reagan on a USPS Stamp is just like a slap in the face to the LGBTQ.  Perpetual outrage!  A queer artist tries to explain why Nancy was responsible for so many AIDS deaths.  Of course no responsibility mentioned for the disesase-ridden practice of men having sex with men that causes so many health problems.  


Members of the LGBTQ+ community are calling a new stamp featuring former first lady Nancy Reagan a "slap in the face," as it was unveiled at the beginning of Pride month and because of the Reagan administration's role in the AIDS crisis of the 1980s.

"I think it just brings up just this overwhelming, underlying grief that a lot of us have been having," said Sarah Epperson, a queer artist and illustrator who focuses on social justice issues and politics. "Not only did we lose an entire generation of our elders through the AIDS crisis in the '80s — you know, stories that we'll never have, people that we'll never have. ... But also we lost so, so many people. There would have been so many more of us had we not lost so many of them."

The stamp features Reagan's official White House portrait from 1987 by artist Aaron Shikler. Reagan was born on July 6, 1921, and the commemorative Forever stamp is meant to celebrate the centennial of her birth, which was last year but whose celebration was delayed because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The stamp was unveiled by first lady Jill Biden, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, Reagan's niece Anne Peterson and Fred Ryan, chairman of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute.

"The Postal Service takes great pride in our mission to bind the nation together, and through the issuance of the Nancy Reagan stamp, we hope to provide the means for the public to come together in remembrance and commemoration of this great and impactful American," DeJoy said.

As news of the announcement spread, the backlash promptly followed, with people on Twitter and other social media platforms calling out the Biden administration for the timing of the unveiling and highlighting the late first lady's actions during the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s.

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