
Monday, June 13, 2022

John MacArthur on Texas Shooting

 As the Democrats are furiously trying to blame all the evils on guns and they errantly believe that passing more gun laws will somehow save us from evil, Pastor John goes into scripture to tell us WHY this is happening.  He believes America is seeing judgment play out on this nation.  We have turned from God and heaven will not hear us.  There is no government or laws that will save us.  We are a people who run towards evil and invent ways of doing wickedness.  This is nothing new.  If God sees fit to set up and tear down nations why would America be any different from the other nations that God has torn down in human history?

"But Dennis, this is America!", simply doesn't hold any sway.

Yes, it's very hard to watch.  America has been the greatest nation the earth has ever seen in recent times.  At one point we WERE God fearing.  At one point we DID bless Israel.  At one point we DID send more missionaries to proclaim the Good News than any other nation.  We have sent more wealth to spread the Gospel than any other nation.  But all good things do come to an end.

Maybe God will send relief to America?  But maybe He won't.  Maybe he wants "the things of this earth to grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace"?  Maybe the body of Christ in America fell too much in love with the things of this earth?  Maybe we started loving Mammon more than we loved the Savior?  Maybe too many of us have believed the lie that Jesus came to bless us with big houses, big boats, big campers and big vacations?

I would invite you to watch Pastor John's 15 minute sermon on this topic.

Over the weekend my wife and I ran into two different couples at two different functions.  They were both young couples with young kids.  As we talked they offered the idea that they believe Jesus is coming soon.  How exciting to hear from these young couples that they believe the King is coming!  That IS OUR BLESSED HOPE!  Because this world really doesn't hold much hope for us...and maybe that's exactly what Jesus wants to remind us of?

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