
Tuesday, June 14, 2022

No Matter What The Midterms Bring, Without Revival We Have Lost

 I wonder if far too many of us Christians are actually putting a lot of our hope into Donald Trump and other conservatives?  Of course I can say that I hope Ron Desantis ends up being a contender for 2024, and I can hope that Conservatives sweep the midterms with a "red wave".  But without repentance and a turning back to God by a majority of Americans, there are no humans who are going to save this country.  It's a spiritual and moral problem that America is facing, and no amount of laws will fix that.

Every day, there are examples of Americans pushing back against the agenda of the radical left. And every day, there are more signs that there could be a major political reaction against the leftist agenda in the midterm elections. But even with the best possible electoral outcome, without sweeping revival in the church, America could still collapse.

That's because America's greatest problems are spiritual and moral first, leading to the larger societal, political, and economic challenges we face. But unless the heart is cured, the body will die.

One of my colleagues is an astute Christian attorney who has been on the front lines of the culture wars for decades, from the local courthouse to the Supreme Court.

He recently tweeted this to a small group of leaders: "Unless something dramatic happens, the midterms will be a blood bath for progressives. VA was the first canary in the coal mine. The San Fran recall shows the train is picking up steam. Biden's appearance on J Kimmel was an embarrassment, and Kimmel had to intervene to rescue him from rambling and losing his train of thought."

He continued, "A poll released today had his approval at 35% - lowest I've seen yet. If either chamber flips (and it likely will be both), it limits the harm he can do the last two years."

But then, the major caveat - and the real thrust behind his text.

He wrote, "I think our biggest challenge may be communicating that a political reprieve is insufficient, and maybe even a distraction as a false sense of security; only a revival will save the nation. We're fighting human nature. People are angry and frustrated. They will express it on Election Day and then settle back to life as usual, unaware the declining trend will continue. I've never seen so much focus on pride month as in this year, and the culture has largely caved into joining the celebration of sin. The election won't do much to change that if there is not spiritual renewal."

I could not agree more, both in terms of his diagnosis of the problem and his warning about the danger.

Bear in mind that this attorney has been politically active for years. In fact, I remember him speaking for our school and congregation back in the summer of 2009 when he told us about a major case that would make its way to the Supreme Court regarding same-sex "marriage." He spoke of it as if it were a fait accompli, explaining that the deciding vote would be cast by Justice Anthony Kennedy.

That is exactly how it played out, with Kennedy making the infamous choice to be the swing vote that redefined marriage in America.

The organization that my colleague served for many years provides legal support for Christians and others whose rights are being challenged, helping them to fight back in their schools and places of business and churches. Their winning percentage is incredibly high, and to this day, I refer my friends to this organization when they come under attack for their religious beliefs and convictions.

All that to say that my colleague is not encouraging political passivity. Quite the contrary.

But he is reminding us that, even with a major shift towards the right and even with the potential of a Republican president and Congress by 2024, we will still have a massive amount of moral and cultural and spiritual rot at the core of America. Only a massive revival and awakening can turn the tide.

That's why, when I wrote Revival Or We Die in 2021, there was not an ounce of hyperbole in the title. (The subtitle was A Great Awakening Is Our Only Hope, also without any hyperbole.)

That's why it is imperative that we continue to emphasize the importance of personal and corporate repentance. And the centrality of prayer. And the priority of evangelism and disciple-making and church-planting. And the ongoing need to build healthy bridges of reconciliation.

So what do you think the chances are that revival is coming to America?  Do you think the chances are good that millions of teens are going to set down their drugs and repent and turn to Christ?  Do you believe that millions of Americans are going to repent of their drunkeness, porn use and Mammon worship and suddenly fall on their knees and worship Jesus?

God can do whatever He wants and if that's what's going to happen then that will happen.  I just don't see any sign of revival mentioned when I read the Bible.  I think it's pretty clear that once Israel is back in the land the birth pangs will get closer and closer, men will be more rebellious, there will be more earthquakes and famines and wars.  There will be more violence, less love for neighbors, more stealing, more murder, more natural disasters...and then Jesus will call his bride to "Come up here!"  Soon after that all hell will break loose as the restraining Holy Spirit will no longer be present in any men or women.  The secret power of lawlessness will sweep across the world unhindered and the Antichrist will be revealed.  The "aliens" will probably show up and offer us some ideas and God will send a great delusion so that those left behind folks will believe THE LIE.

That's what I think is coming.  I hate to say it but I believe America is lost.  It's only going to get worse from here on out.  But please remember that WORSE for the world means BETTER in Christ.

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