
Monday, June 6, 2022

Ted Cruz is Correct

It would seem that almost no politician or reporter wants to even try to explain WHY there are so many folks willing to pick up guns and head into a church, school, mall or sports event and start shooting strangers.  The Left only wants to wag their fingers and say “It’s the guns!  Too big!  Too many!”  They don’t want to talk about a declining culture with broken families and absent fathers.  Of little kids smoking weed by the millions while they play violent video games that involve murdering people.  They don’t want to talk about the godlessness and lack of any morals that aren’t being taught to the vast majority of American youth.  So of course when you don’t train a dog, it turns into an animal.  When you don’t train boys, they also turn into animals.

Satan is having a pigeon shoot with our youth today.  He can send his demons to prowl around looking for the boys altering their brains with drugs and listening to porn music while they shoot people dead in virtual reality.  Once in the demon can begin to whisper the voices to his student, “that school is filled with bullies!  You should make them pay!”

Expect many, many more mass shootings.  It’s only going to get worse as marijuana is legalized in more and more states which will allow more and more demons access into our kids who have no fathers and no Jesus.


Libertarian podcaster Joe Rogan recently warned of the dangers of giving in to the current gun control mob:

“I don’t think it’s wise to take all the guns away from people and give all the power to the government. We see how they are with an armed populace; they still have a tendency towards totalitarianism. And the more increased power and control you have over people, the easier it is for them to do what they do. And it’s a natural inclination, when you’re a person in power, to try to hold more power and acquire more power.”

Texas Senator Ted Cruz has also warned how dangerous it would be to surrender to anti-Second Amendment campaigners:

Speaking at the NRA conference in Houston this past weekend, Cruz stated, “It’s far easier to slander one’s political adversaries and to demand that responsible citizens forfeit their constitutional rights than it is to examine the cultural sickness giving birth to unspeakable acts of evil.”

“It’s far less comfortable to ask why despair and isolation and violent hatred is so prevalent in America,” he further urged, adding that “the elites who dominate our culture” are intent on pushing the idea that “firearms lie at the root of the problem.”

Cruz continued, “Tragedies like the events of this week are a mirror forcing us to ask hard questions, demanding that we see where our culture is failing – looking at broken families, absent fathers, declining church attendance, social media bullying, violent online content, desensitizing the act of murder in video games, chronic isolation, prescription drug and opioid abuse. And their collective effects on the psyche of young Americans is both complicated and multifaceted.”

“It’s a lot easier to moralize about guns and to shriek about those you disagree with politically, but it’s never been about guns,” the Senator further declared.

“Taking guns away from these responsible Americans will not make them safer, nor will it make our nation more secure,” Cruz said, adding that “In an age where elites embrace defunding the police, when homelessness runs rampant, when gangs dominate entire communities, and when radical district attorneys refuse to prosecute violent crime in cities across America, rarely has the Second Amendment been more necessary to secure the rights of our fellow citizens.”

About 100 years ago, you could walk into a pharmacy and freely purchase heroin and cocaine. You could then go to a hardware store and buy cases of dynamite. Today, it’s unthinkable to have these products for sale. What allowed them to be easily accessible is that there was a moral foundation that prevented most people from doing evil things with them.

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