
Monday, June 6, 2022

Trump's Time in the White House Should be Done

 I'm not sure how many Conservatives are still dreaming of the day when Trump gets re-elected as President and marches back into the White House.  I hope it's a smaller and smaller number.  I loved the things that he accomplished as POTUS even while sometimes hating the things he said and Tweeted.  So I agree with Bill Barr that Trump is NOT the man that Republicans should be endorsing for President.  It's time to look for another guy who can carry the same agenda without all the baggage.

As followers of Christ, let's always remember that we shouldn't be looking to any man, other than Jesus, to worship and adore.  I'm concerned that some folks, even within the church, are spending more time thinking about Trump, talking about Trump and hanging Trump flags in their yards than they do thinking and talking about Jesus to a lost and dying world.

No man is going to fix America other than Jesus.  And sadly, we have removed him from just about every space in the entire country.

Former Attorney General Bill Barr says Donald Trump’s time in the White House is done.

In a candid interview with The Washington Examiner, Barr made it clear that he thinks it’s time for the Republican Party to start looking forward to a new candidate in 2024.

The Washington Examiner reports:

“I’m all for restoring America . That’s what I’m all about, is restoring the greatness of this country. And the principle threat is this progressive agenda. The only way to do that is not to speak about some other election and continue this trench warfare but instead a breakthrough election that will create and usher in an era just like Reagan did,” said Barr in an interview with the Washington Examiner.

“I don’t necessarily want to take a shot at Trump, but Trump is not that man,” he said, adding that the former president would be a 78-year-old lame duck the day he walked into office.

“He does not have the capacity to win the kind of transformative election. He may have been, historically, a necessary figure, and I give him all credit for bringing to a screeching halt the progressive march that occurred under the Obama administration and threatened the country going forward with Hillary Clinton,” said Barr.

Barr also acknowledged that many of Trump’s specific traits are what made him the man to do that. The former AG said that Trump’s willingness to fight and his pugnacity helped make him such a successful president.

“However, if you believe in the MAGA agenda, we’ve already punched the other guy in the nose. Now, how do we actually go about methodically restoring the United States?” Barr said. The first thing Republicans need to do, added Barr, is win a decisive, broad victory. “And you don’t do that by starting a civil war in the party and calling everyone who doesn’t believe that the election was stolen a RINO.”

Barr also went on to say he firmly believed Trump could have handily won the 2020 election had he slightly adjusted his behavior heading into the race.

Here;  Bill Barr Says Trump Should Not Run for President - Trump Train News

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