
Friday, July 22, 2022

America and Armageddon

 I had a twenty-something man deliver me 8000 lbs of corn from the feed mill and auger it into our grain hopper this morning. As he was standing there operating the auger I asked him, “Are you running out of corn?”  He said, “It’s sure dwindling.”  Then we launched into food shortages, violence in the cities, cops quitting or just not responding to theft and violence calls and empty food shelves coming later this year when Wheaties cost $8 per box.  As he drove off I thought again about how interesting it is that so many common, simple folk from the country can understand what’s going on and that America is on the precipice of collapse.  But yet the smartest folks in the world can’t tell you the difference between a man and a woman?

I find myself thinking frequently about the verse in Corinthians where Paul is quoting Isaiah;  For it is written: “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.”

Now watch this video from another simple man who knows his Bible and gives us a quick lesson of how Venezuela collapsed and how our leaders seem to be taking us down the same track.  Notice also that he thinks we are near the time for Jesus to return.  The simple, country folk who know the difference between a cow and bull understand!

Hat tip to Guy B

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