
Saturday, July 23, 2022

The Intelligence of the Intelligent I Will Frustrate

 Paul quoted Isaiah when he said that one day God would take the most intelligent folks and make them seem like idiotic fools.  It would appear that this has come true in America today.  For 6000 years of human history, even the most simple among us in the human race, knew that their were 2 genders, male and female.  Men had penises and testicles which produced testosterone and made them hairy and bigger framed and muscled than females.  Females had breasts to feed babies and were the only gender who could grow a baby in their womb!  God made them male and female.  But now the most educated among us are saying “not so fast!”

Imagine the horror and embarrassment of being a man who did his best to live like, and identify as, a female.  You die and are laid in the ground where the bugs consume your flesh.  Hundreds of years later some archeologists dig up your bones and announce, “Yep, skeleton is that of a 60 year old male.”  You scream from the abyss, “No!  My pronouns were she/her!”  Thankfully, today’s archeologists are “woke” and realize the problem.  They are trying to change this so that some poor Neanderthal male who identified as female, won’t have to be labeled the same as his birth gender.  No, I’m not kidding.

Intelligence has been frustrated.


University of Kansas Associate Professor Jennifer Raff argued in a paper, “Origin: A Genetic History of the Americas,”  that there are “no neat divisions between physically or genetically ‘male’ or ‘female’ individuals.”  Her best selling book has been featured on various news outlets like MSNBC.

Weiss has criticized the book as “just plain wrong” critical points of history and objects that Raff seems “eager to pay homage to every current progressive orthodoxy.”

However, Raff is not alone. Graduate students like Emma Palladino have objected  that “the archaeologists who find your bones one day will assign you the same gender as you had at birth, so regardless of whether you transition, you can’t escape your assigned sex.”

Professors Elizabeth DiGangi of Binghamton University and Jonathan Bethard of the University of South Florida have also challenged the use of racial classifications in a study, objecting that “[a]ncestry estimation contributes to white supremacy.”  The authors write that “we use critical race theory to interrogate the approaches utilized to estimate ancestry to include a critique of the continued use of morphoscopic traits, and we assert that the practice of ancestry estimation contributes to white supremacy.”

The professors refer to the practice as “dangerous” and wrote in a letter to the editor that such practices must be changed in light of recent racial justice concerns.

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