
Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Central Banks, Global Economy, Digital Currency, Oh My!!

 If you have 30 minutes to watch this video then I think you will find it all very interesting.  If you don't then at least forward to about 12:40 and see where she asks him, "Is this leading us to a digital currency?"  His emphatic answer is "Of course!"

Friends, we have been saying for almost 15 years now that the current system of creating money out of thin air by issuing government bonds and then having the Federal Reserve "buy" a type of Ponzi scheme.  It works for a little while until it's all your left with.  At that point, the gig is up and the entire system comes crashing down.  It will wipe out an entire class of people in America.  The Great Reset will be upon us.

Watch the video here;

The title of it is;  System Will ‘Wipe Out’ Entire Class as Global Economy Spins Into Free Fall, Warns Greg Mannarino

No doubt we are living in perilous times.  We continue to believe that global events and supply chains will stay operating because of Jesus' words..."People were eating, drinking, marrying, giving in marriage, planting, building...", but if we are that close to a total reset and a melt down of an entire class of people, that doesn't really sound like business as usual.  So can we be in the "Last call" hour of Jesus summoning His bride??  I certainly hope so!  I don't know the day or the hour but I sure hope we don't have much longer because it's become very obvious where this is all going.  A global government, a digital currency and the Antichrist controlling it and he requires you to have a mark in order to access it.

Scripture seems clear that the Antichrist cannot be revealed until the "restrainer" has been removed.

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