
Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Republican Leaders Appear to be Caving on Same Sex Marriage

 We read some rumors that MAYBE SCOTUS could be willing to re-think same-sex marriage.  The rumor goes like this;  If abortion is a contentious and divisive topic that should be allowed to be decided by the states and NOT the Supreme court, then the definition of marriage could fall under the same category.  

Since Democrats maybe are thinking about the same rumor, they put forward a bill that would seek to enshrine gay marriage as the law of the land everywhere so if SCOTUS did throw it out then the Federal Government would have a trigger to overrule any states that would define marriage as ONE MAND and ONE WOMAN.

So with that as a backdrop, we are now reading that even some Republicans have "no problem with gay marriage" and maybe would vote FOR the Democrat bill.

As the article points out, this would be a betrayal of the family by these Republicans.

On Tuesday, the House passed the so-called Respect for Marriage Act with a stunning 47 Republican votes and the blessing of GOP House leaders, and the bill is now rapidly gaining traction with Republicans in the Senate, shocking even Democrats and the liberal media.

The Respect for Marriage Act would enshrine same-sex “marriage” into federal law, override duly enacted laws and constitutional amendments in 35 states, require the federal government to recognize polygamy or any other redefinition of marriage that a state may come up with, and open the door to a wide range of new threats to religious freedom.

The bill, largely intended as a Democratic messaging stunt before the midterms, is nothing less than a declaration of war on the family and Christians and a gift to the radical LGBT movement and Democrats’ far-left base.

Conservatives could naturally expect that the representatives they elected to defend their values against just this kind of attack would reject the woke Respect for Marriage Act out of hand.

But as of Monday, five Republican senators (Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Rob Portman of Ohio, Thom Tillis of North Carolina, and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin) have indicated that they will support the bill when it comes before the Senate, already giving Democrats half of the GOP votes they need to get it to Joe Biden’s desk and hand him his first major legislative victory on LGBT issues.

And Republican Senate leaders have made clear that they currently have no plans to oppose the bill.

“I’m going to delay announcing anything on that issue until we see what the majority leader wants to put on the floor,” Senate Minority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday.

Sen. John Thune, the Republican Senate whip, added that he “wouldn’t be surprised” if the bill gets significant bipartisan support in the Senate, and later said that Republican leadership probably won’t urge members to vote against it.

“My guess is on something like that, it’s probably a vote of conscience,” he said.

Sen. Roy Blunt, chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee, suggested that he may even be a “yes” vote. “I don’t have any problem with same-sex marriage,” he told CNN, adding that he would “look at” the bill.

Many of the same Republicans who immediately surrendered on the Respect for Marriage Act (RMA) previously had no problem running on Christian values when it boosted their political careers.

Thune, for example, made opposition to same-sex “marriage” a central plank of his successful bid to oust Democratic Sen. Tom Daschle, warning at the time that “the institution of marriage is under attack from extremist groups.”

That’s still true today, and while national Republicans may insist that the debate on same-sex “marriage” is “settled,” at least half of Republican voters still opposite it, as do three-quarters of the White evangelical Christians who dominate the GOP’s base. For many of them, as for conservative Catholics, the issue is absolutely non-negotiable.

Homosexuality remains impossibly at odds with Christianity: Sacred Scripture unequivocally condemns homosexual behavior, and Jesus Himself defines marriage precisely as between one man and one woman for life. For Catholics, Church teaching on homosexuality is unchanged and unchangeable, declaring sodomy “gravely contrary to chastity” and the natural law, as it has for millennia.

Not only does the Respect for Marriage Act violate fundamental principles of millions of Christians on whom the Republican Party depends, it likely exposes those same Christians – the most reliable Republican voters in the country – to new threats from anti-Christian federal bureaucrats, including lost tax exempt status for churches that adhere to biblical marriage.

Here;  The Republican Party is about to betray Christians and destroy the traditional family - LifeSite (

As you read the article you will also see that polygamy is mentioned.  It's coming!  How are you going to say no to a bisexual throuple or quintouple from forming a family too??  Are you biphobic to deny these folks the opportunity to be a family??  Remember please that "love is love"...or so says that WOKE manual that seems to be powering America today.

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