
Wednesday, July 6, 2022

How Close Are We to Shutting Off Hoover Dam?

 For those who have been following the drying out of Lake Mead, which is created by the Hoover Dam, here is an update from a few days ago.

He thinks that the electric turbines that are propelled by water flowing through the dam, may soon shut down.  This would cause problems as it generates an amazing amount of electricity to throw onto the grid to run everyone's air conditioners and charge their electric cars!

But the real problems will happen when their isn't enough water to keep thousands of acres of farmland watered and millions upon millions of toilets flushing or swimming pools filled.

About 14 minutes in the narrator starts the question of "What should you do if you live here and rely on Lake Mead?"  As he asks the question he has a picture of a U Haul truck on the screen.  Yes, maybe you should consider moving NOW before people start to panic and are forced to move?

And where would 40 million people relocate to?  Answer:  Someplace with plentiful water like the Midwest.

If this begins to happen in the coming months, you are talking about an upheaval like this country hasn't seen before.


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