
Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Russia Demands Israel Cease "Air Aggression" Against Syria

 This article has a bunch of prophetic topics in it, Russia, Israel, Damascus and Russia demanding something of Israel.  Of course these topics trigger thoughts about Ezekiel 38 and Isaiah 17.

Israel carried out yet another strike on the Syrian coast this weekend, which reportedly wounded two civilians. Russia has been getting more forceful in its denunciations of these strikes which have occurred on an almost weekly basis across various parts of Syria, especially around Damascus over the past few years.

Russia on Monday condemned the latest and other recent attacks as "categorically unacceptable" and demanded they cease immediately. During the early years of Israeli attacks which almost always claimed to be targeting "Iranian assets", Russia remained relatively quiet. 

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said, "We strongly condemn such irresponsible actions that violate the sovereignty of Syria and the basic norms of international law, and we demand their unconditional cessation." Also, the Syrian government denounced what it called Israel's "air aggression".

Despite literally hundreds of such strikes, Israeli media reports acknowledged Saturday's attack as rare:

The relatively rare daytime strike on Saturday targeted an area near the Syrian town of al-Hamidiyah, south of Tartus, which is home to Russia’s main naval base in the region. Two civilians were injured and serious damage was caused to civilian infrastructure, Moscow said.

Syrian state sources say that "poultry farms" were targeted in the attack; however, both Israeli and Syrian opposition sources claim that a weapons shipment en route to Hezbollah in Lebanon was hit. 

"Quoting a military source, Syria’s state-run SANA news agency said the missiles were launched Saturday by Israeli fighter jets over the Mediterranean Sea, west of the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli, at the Syrian town of al-Hamidiyah, south of Tartus," The Times of Israel describes.

"While most alleged Israeli attacks in Syria typically take place under the cover of darkness, Saturday’s alleged strike was conducted at around 6:30 a.m., during daylight hours."

Here;  Russia Demands Israel Cease Its 'Air Aggression' Against Syria | ZeroHedge

At some point, (we hoper AFTER the rapture) Russia is going to get more demanding of Israel.  They are going to get on the outs and maybe it will be over Israel providing energy to Europe which Russia is currently squeezing.  Iran, Turkey and some Islamic nations of N Africa will join them (so they can make sure the job gets done once and for all) in an effort to destroy Israel and take their wealth.

But God has other plans.  He supernaturally destroys the Magog coalition and Israel understands it's the God of their father's that has saved them.

Stay tuned and watch Russia who is now standing on center stage.

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