
Sunday, July 31, 2022

Pelosi’s Taiwan Trip

Nancy might be going to Taiwan really soon.  With tensions hot between USA and China this could be a move that puts things over the top.  BTW, Trump is the dude who said China would blow the chips off the earth.  We are surprised that China hasn’t already invaded Taiwan once they saw that Russia could invade Ukraine while the rest of the world only sent them guns and good wishes.  Read the whole article below as it gives you a really good backdrop on why Taiwan and the South China Sea are such a big deal.


“Taiwan will be next. You won’t have any computer chips. They’ll blow them off the face of the earth.”

Well, who said that? My question, dear readers, is part of the mystery of the Taiwan Strait. And who better to unlock that mystery than Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, whose summer trip to Asia may well include a stop in Taiwan? Indeed, she could already be on her way there as I write.

 I just hope she has packed her SPF 50 sunscreen, as the Asian island is really warming up. When it came up during their call on Thursday, Chinese President Xi Jinping warnedPresident Joe Biden that “resolutely safeguarding China’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity is the firm will of the more than 1.4 billion Chinese people. … Those who play with fire will perish by it.” On second thoughts, better pack a Kevlar pantsuit.

Pelosi’s Taiwan trip would hardly be a surprise. In early April, Japanese media reported that she would go there after a trip to Japan. Right away, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi warned that a visit to Taiwan by such a high-ranking legislator would be a “malicious provocation.” However, Pelosi had to postpone the visit after she contracted Covid-19. Two weeks ago, the Financial Times broke the story that she had rescheduled the trip for August.

“Pelosi would be likely to fly to Taipei on a U.S. military aircraft,” reported the New York Times on Monday. “Some analysts looking at Chinese denunciations of the proposed visit say that China could send aircraft to ‘escort’ her plane and prevent it from landing.” A nervous Biden told reporters: “The military thinks it’s not a good idea right now.” That seems not to have changed Pelosi’s mind.

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