
Monday, August 1, 2022

"Ezekiel 38" Trends on Twitter

 Last week we posted the picture of the 3 amigos over in Iran.  Putin, Erdogen and the Ayatollah were all getting together to discuss what to do about Syria and of course they were going to mention Israel in those meetings too.  Why?  Because Israel has been bombing assets in Syria.  And the assets they bomb are munitions coming into the country from Iran to supply the terrorist group Hezbollah.

Today we read an interesting article that has this 2800 year old prophecy actually trending on Twitter!

A recent meeting in Tehran, bringing together Russian President Vladimir Putin, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, and Iranian leader Ayatollah Khamenei was so fraught with end of days implications that “Ezekiel 38” trended on Twitter.


Putin’s trip to Iran closely followed Biden’s tour of the Middle East, in which the US President met with Arab leaders who were deeply concerned about Iran’s growing nuclear program. The president’s tour met with mixed results as his requests for increased oil production went unanswered.

Russia’s talks in Tehran were centered around the interests of the three countries over Syria. Russia and Iran are also united in being targeted by US sanctions. Both countries, isolated from trade with the West, will benefit from this arrangement. Putin recently claimed that trade between the two countries was up 81% from last year to a record $3.3 billion. This economic cooperation comes despite the two countries actually being competitors in the energy market.

Perhaps most significantly was a recent announcement by Iran that the US currency has been replaced with the Russian ruble in Iran-Russia business, with future plans to do so in their dealings with other countries.

Though uneasy allies, Iran and Russia complement each other militarily. In January 2021, Iran, China, and Russia held their third joint naval exercise, the third joint exercise of the three countries, in the northern Indian Ocean and the Sea of Oman area.  Iran recently announced it would begin providing Russia with drones for its military in Ukraine. It has signed an agreement to supply aircraft parts and equipment to Russia and service Russian aircraft. Russia is also involved in the Biden administration’s ongoing efforts to revive the Iran deal, as Russia will be building much of Iran’s increased atomic infrastructure.

Any alliance between the three countries will be conditional, as Iran and Turkey have regional aspirations that conflict. 

The growing alliance under Russia garnered a wave of attention on the internet, and the terms “Ezekiel 38” and “Gog and Magog” trended on Twitter.

Here;  As Russia forges alliance with Iran, 'Ezekiel 38' trends on Twitter (

We really don't believe that Bible prophecy will become a huge household topic in these Last Days.  We believe that as the return of Christ draws closer that people will become even more uninterested in Bible topics than they already are.  There will be a famine in the world...not only of food and water but a scriptural famine where people don't have Bibles and even those that do have NO CLUE what they say.

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