
Monday, August 1, 2022

Public Totally Unaware of How Digital Currencies Will Change Society

 Yep.  It's true.  Most Americans have absolutely no clue how currency works.  We just assume that smarter people are running everything for us and they always have our best interests in mind.  Of course that's simply no true.  The Secret Power of Lawlessness that Paul spoke of is always running in the background.

And one day we (if we are still here) will wake up to the fact that we no longer have cash in our wallets to anonymously buy a box of shotgun shells at Ace Hardware anymore.

CBCD stands for Central Bank Digital Currency.

Other countries which are in a CBDC pilot phase include Russia, Thailand, Malaysia, South Korea, Sweden, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. It is unclear, however, which program could see a proper launch next. Concrete plans to launch a CBDC were recorded by the source in Canada, Australia, Brazil and India, among others.

The digital Euro is also in its development phase, with a pilot scheduled for 2023 in participating nations.

As Alt-Market's Brandon Smith detailed previously, with the introduction of CBDCs in the wake of a stagflationary crash, the central banks could call for a new global network of currencies to "stop such a crisis from ever happening again." 

The BIS and the IMF will be ready and waiting in the wings with the SDR basket, or something very similar. The bankers will remove all physical money over a short period of time and a global digital system will take over. All privacy in trade will be gone, except for those people involved in barter, black markets and commodities.

The advent of CBDCs could also mean that money and economic participation will become privileges, not rights. Digital trade could be tied to a social credit system, much like the one that exists in communist China.

Want access to your checking and savings accounts? Better not say anything critical of the establishment, or you could be reported by a neighbor or stranger by cell phone app and have your money disappear in seconds. The onus will then be on you to prove that you are "loyal" and get access back. You are guilty until proven innocent. 

Maybe you don't want to take the next untested mRNA vaccine for the next dubious pandemic threat? You'll have little choice if your ability to function economically is controlled digitally.

This is the world we are facing if we allow central banks to fully digitize money and trade. It is a nightmare environment of complete authoritarianism. The public at large is mostly unaware of the incredible danger inherent in CBDCs and they must be educated before the current crisis grows so large that they can no longer focus on anything other than their own problems.

Here;  General Public Completely Unaware How Digital Currencies Will Change Our Society (

The fact that all these articles talking about digital currency are in the news everyday should be one more wake up call that the return of Jesus is closer than it's ever been.

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