
Tuesday, August 2, 2022

China's Mortgage Crisis and Financial Collapse News

 The big news today is Nancy Pelosi's trip to Taiwan.  China is responding to the news by live-firing missiles into the ocean some miles away from Taiwan.  Needless to say, they are upset about such a high ranking D.C. politician traveling to a territory that they want for themselves.

But everything isn't going so great in China right now.  As we have reported there are huge problems with their real estate bubble.  People are getting very upset watching their investments vanish.

Watch the news on this here;

Also remember that a lot of global currencies will need to collapse so that new digital currencies can be rolled out.  Maybe China will soon be rolling out one of their own real soon?

This will further pave the way for the Antichrist to take over the system when he arrives...and we hope it will be soon because this world is more and more appearing to not be our home.

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