
Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Amazon Now Has Pay by Palm

 Let's remember that John didn't have the words for "computer" or "scanner" or "barcode" in his language 2000 years ago when Jesus gave him visions of the future.  Is it possible that he saw someone waving their hand over some type of cash register as they left the store with a bag of groceries and he described it as "someone had some type of mark on their right hand it it allowed them to buy stuff"?

Amazon's palm-reading payment technology will expand to dozens of Whole Foods locations across California. Shoppers will be able to pay for groceries by scanning the palm of their hand at checkout devices instead of using cash or card, as this is more evidence of the emergence of a cashless society.

The Verge reported that 65 Whole Foods stores in California would soon get the new payment technology. This is the most extensive rollout by the e-commerce giant since announcing the payment system in 2020.

"Customers can set up Amazon One by registering their palm print using a kiosk or at a point-of-sale station at participating stores. To register, you need to provide a payment card and phone number, agree to Amazon's terms of service, and share an image of your palms. Once completed, you can take items to checkout and not have to take out your wallet -- or even your phone. A hover of your hand over the device is all that's needed to pay and leave," The Verge said.

Amazon One has been pilot tested at Whole Foods stores in Los Angeles, Austin, Seattle, and New York. Amazon said customers had found the new payment system more convenient to checkout, though privacy concerns emerged last year by a group of lawmakers who raised questions about the megacorporation collecting biometric data of its customers.

Amazon has said it hopes to sell the palm-scanning technology to other companies like retailers, stadiums and office buildings. Amazon says it is in "active discussions with several potential customers."

The company says thousands of people have already signed up to use it at Amazon stores.

Amazon One appears to be ushering in a cashless society where a customer's body is becoming a transactional tool.

If Amazon's use of palm prints for identification and payment systems sounds like something you have read in the Book of Revelation you are correct. 

The Book of Revelation warns that during the Tribulation every person will be required to accept a mark in their right hand or forehead which will be necessary for commerce.

"And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark -- the name of the beast or the number of its name. Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is six hundred sixty-six". Revelation 13:16-18

Many Christians are concerned that acceptance of such technology is conditioning people for when the actual 'mark of the beast" is implemented. 

What often starts off as voluntary can just as easily become mandatory and whereas tech itself may be neutral, in the hands of the wrong person it could be extremely dangerous.  Imagine the technology of today in the hands of Hitler.

There are also growing fears that an economic collapse and "reset" could bring about an era of forced digital cash that would be necessary to conduct commerce.  Combine such new technologies as pay by palm for commerce with biometric ID cards and you have a very coercive system that the government and future Antichrist could use to control the masses.

Christians have long debated the meaning of the "mark of the beast".  It still remains to be seen if the mark will be digital tattoos, microchips under the skin or some other form of biometric payment using the hand such as Amazon Pay, but there is no denying it, our generation appears to be the first in history to have the technology and now cultural conditioning to fulfill this prophecy.

Here;  Amazon Expands Pay By Palm - Another Precursor To The Mark Of The Beast? (

Yes!  We are the first generation to have this technology capable of fulfilling all the John and Daniel saw!  I think we need to treat that as a pretty big deal and hopefully that fact wakes up lots of luke-warm Christians whose faith consists of going to church a few times per month and putting $10 in the plate as they attempt to live as "pretty good people".

If time is short, what can we and should we be doing about it?  I think we know the answer.  Work while there is still daylight and be bold in our witness.  Most might laugh at you as they did at Noah.  But who cares?  Noah had the last laugh and so will we!

As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be...

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