
Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Cattle Mutilations Are Topic on Tucker Carlson

 Over 10 years ago I made this blog post in February 2012;


Cattle Mutilations

This morning, I spoke in adult education and the topic of "aliens" came up.  Of course regular readers know that I believe they are actually demons in disguise and they are doing Satan's work of making strange flesh that will be rolled out en mass during The Tribulation.  But before you say, "that's crazy!"....maybe you should re read the book of Revelation and take note of what kind of creatures are coming out of the Abyss.

When humans report being abducted by aliens, they almost always report that the aliens took their semen and their eggs....and it is always a horrifying experience.

When ranchers report that their cows were mutilated they seem to report that in most cases reproductive organs were taken...and there is no blood around any of the cows, no tracks and no signs of struggle.

Of course anyone that has worked with cattle KNOWS that when you try and put a cow down and even put an ear tag in...there is going to be a really big struggle.

Now watch this recent report from Kansas City about a mutilated cow.  As you watch, notice that the one rancher had a similar thing happen over 30 years ago and the vet who came to do the autopsy started looking for a space ship...because he knew a human couldn't have done that surgery without causing MASSIVE amounts of blood loss.  Also, it appears that in many cases their blood is actually all's gone.  Remember the Bible tells us, "the life is in the blood."


Of course once you finish this video, you can watch dozens more from Missouri, Colorado, Montana, Wyoming and more.  Of the thousands of documented cases there has never been one single case that was solved.

Also notice that even the coyotes won't eat the mutilated cows.  It's almost as if the animals know something really nasty was messing with it.

Now ask yourselves...what would Satan be doing with all this reproductive material?  What does he want with cattle vagina's, uterus's, human eggs and human semen?


Now just yesterday, Tucker Carlson released his story on cattle mutilations for million of people to see.


Cattle mutilations stump law enforcement, ranchers: 'The greatest unsolved serial crime spree in history'

Fox News has obtained shocking exclusive videos of cattle mutilation scenes from the San Luis valley in southern Colorado.  

"It’s the greatest unsolved crime spree in history," says author Chris O’Brien, who recorded the videos. He wrote about his findings in his book, Stalking the Herd: Unraveling the Cattle Mutilation Mystery. 

The videos depict the grizzly nature of more than a dozen cattle mutilations. Mutilations differ from typical livestock deaths because the carcasses are found with body parts removed in an unusual fashion.  

The never-seen-before footage is featured in the latest episode of Tucker Carlson Originals, which is available now on Fox Nation.

The San Luis cases are just a handful of more than 10,000 mutilations that have stumped ranchers and investigators across the United States for decades. 

Just this month, ranchers in Delta Junction, Alaska reportedly found the remains of a cow that was missing its udder, eyes, and reproductive organs.  

In 2019, cowboys at the Silvies Valley Ranch in eastern Oregon found five bulls mutilated in a remote stretch of forest.  

"There was no forensic evidence of any kind left at the scene," according to Colby Marshall, vice president of the ranch at the time of the mutilations.  Marshall says the bulls were missing their blood and reproductive organs when they were found.  

"Each one of those bulls would have produced 20 calves a year for probably the next 5 or 6 years. Their overall production value was in the hundreds of thousands of dollars," he said. 

The ranch offered a $25,000 reward for information that would lead to an arrest. They got no credible leads.  

"I would have never thought this would be possible, that you could basically kill five bulls without any evidence," Marshall says. 

At least eight other cattle were reported mutilated in Oregon since the Silvies Valley Ranch cases. No culprit has been identified.  

"The ones I’ve been involved in, we haven’t solved any of them," says Sergeant Tom Roark of the Lake County, Oregon Sheriff’s Department. "There was no evidence, no clues of a suspect." 

Here;  Cattle mutilations stump law enforcement, ranchers: 'The greatest unsolved serial crime spree in history' | Fox News

We haven't watched the Tucker Carlson video yet but clearly you can access it from the above link.  We are guessing that Tucker doesn't believe that it is Satan and his demons responsible for these mutilations, but Bible readers know that it is.  They are taking the blood and reproductive parts from these cattle and, we believe, are using these materials, to make "strange flesh" in their Satanic lab.  As I said 10 years ago there is something related to men and women reporting having their eggs and semen stolen when they are abducted by these demons.

We believe this is one more sign that we are VERY close to the Great Tribulation...when Satan will release something terrifying and awful on the Left Behind inhabitants of planet earth.

Stay tuned!

If you want to watch the Tucker Carlson show you can see it here;

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