
Saturday, August 27, 2022

Congress Quietly Admits UFOs are “Not man-made”

 Full disclosure continues to come.  We now have members of the US government more and more admitting that some of these UFOs are “not man-made”.  Hmmm...if they aren’t made by men but clearly are made by something intelligent, just who are these beings making flying ships that cruise around earth doing things way beyond our technological capacity?  Of course the lie being sold is that these are alien beings that evolved long before we did.  That’s a lie.  Theses beings seem to be demons who are disguising themselves as “aliens”.  Don’t be deceived. 


In July, Congress quietly admitted that Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) are not “man-made” and that the threat is “expanding,” burying the startling revelations in a report added to the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023.  The finding was first reported by Vice on Tuesday.

The report stated that the new Department of Defense (DoD) led Unidentified Aerospace-Undersea Phenomena Joint Program Office is tasked with addressing “cross-domain transmedium threats to United States national security” that “are expanding exponentially.”

Congress explained that the office should focus on objects that are not “man-made” and directed the office to send “man-made” objects to “appropriate offices,” adding that “man-made” objects “should not be considered … unidentified aerospace-undersea phenomena.”

“This implies that members of the Senate Intelligence Committee believe (on a unanimous, bipartisan basis) that some UFOs have non-human origins,” von Rennenkampff continued. “After all, why would Congress establish and task a powerful new office with investigating non-‘man-made’ UFOs if such objects did not exist?”

“Make no mistake: One branch of the American government implying that UFOs have non-human origins is an explosive development.”

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