
Saturday, August 27, 2022

Iran Deal Coming Back and It’s Based on Lies

 Remember when Obama gave literal plane loads of cash to Iran as part of a deal that would prevent them from getting a nuclear bomb?  Trump canceled it right away when he was elected.  Now Biden is bringing it back and rumor has it that more plane loads of cash will be included.  Israel can’t believe we are doing this idiotic thing again.  Meanwhile Iran keeps making uranium in its underground facilities and plans for the destruction of Israel and America while supporting terrorism all over the world using Obama-bucks.


Mossad director David Barnea strongly criticized the Biden Administration over the impending agreement to restore the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

"We are making a pasted copy of the 2015 agreement, and the only thing that remains from then is the text," Barnea said in closed conversations. He estimated that the agreement will be signed within a few weeks and that the chances of it being signed are close to 100 percent.

Barnea said that the deal the US Administration presented to Israel is "based on lies."

Barnea also warned that the worst part of the agreement, according to the information Israel has received, is that already in 2025 some of the restrictions on Iran will be lifted and it will then be one step closer to a nuclear bomb.

“The American willingness to sign the agreement goes against common sense. The agreement will be bad even if the US accepts some of our comments," Barnea said.

Barnea pointed out that Israel will not be a party to the agreement and its sole commitment is to the security of its citizens and within this framework will do whatever is necessary regardless of the text of the deal.

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