
Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Famous Financial Forecaster: "I See the Future and It's Hell on Earth"

 Some of you maybe have even heard of this guy named Gerald Celente.  He's been around for a long time telling about financial trends, bubbles, stock market banter, etc...

I happened to see a recent interview he did and of course the Title caught my eye.  "I see the future and it's hell on earth."

He's saying that because of a strange financial event coming that upwards of 40% of the companies that you and I use every day could go bankrupt.  If you start to imagine the chaos that would ensue for America if huge companies start to go under due to financial duress, you can also imagine that this would be the PERFECT TIME to roll out a brand new DIGITAL CURRENCY.  We blogged on this yesterday and is referred to as CBDC (central bank digital currency).

You can watch this HELL ON EARTH video here and see if you agree with Mr Celente.  "We are in the for the biggest collapse of all time and all they are doing is pumping it up with artificial money.  The game is rigged by an elite club and you aren't in it!"

Also please remember that the Bible says a type of HELL ON EARTH is in the future and it's called the Great Tribulation.

Remember as well that Apostle Paul told us about the "secret power of lawlessness" that really was running things on earth.  Everything that Celente says points to this secret power...and he's not a Christian at all...he just sees it based on evidence.

"There will be perilous times..." and the world seems to be about there.  Of course the staying hand of Jesus will keep things going as long as He decides.  We continue to hope that Jesus comes for us during the time on earth when people are eating, drinking, marrying, giving in marriage, planting and building.  If the days are coming that Celente says are coming, there won't be much of any of those things going on.

This could be one more piece of evidence that points to the nearness of the return of the Lord.  

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