
Tuesday, August 23, 2022

The Left and Their Non-Stop Talk of Civil War

 We have wondered for a few years how much longer the Left and Right are going to be able to co-exist.  I must say as I was driving to work today I pulled up to a stoplight in Maple Grove and came alongside a woman in a Hyundai.  She was all by herself and was wearing a serious mask covering her face and nose.  I doubt she was simply virtue signaling.  I believe she was truly terrified of what is waiting for her inside and outside her Hyundai!

Look at the abortion demons screaming they want to kill kids anytime, anyplace, any age.  Look at the LGBTQ and how they are soon adding pedophiles to their ranks.  After all, if "love is love" then how can you fault a dude for loving a 10 yr old girl?  Look at the "let's make drugs legal" crowd.  Look at the gay marriage crowd.  

I'm just not sure I want to raise my kids and grandkids in a nation that encourages their children to choose their gender at age 5.  I'm not sure I want to raise my family in a nation that is filled with the Lunatic Fringe of the Left.

And according to this guy, he's saying the Left is now talking non-stop of not wanting to co-exist with us anymore.

How much longer can this hatred foment?  How much longer can all the folks in the rural areas co-exist with the liberals in the cities who have no idea where milk comes from?

Watch this short video by Victor David Hanson about the talk of Civil War happening.

All this being said, I'm very much aware that our mission field is to save the unsaved.  And most of those unsaved would be on the Liberal side.  I get this.  While I can maybe handle myself out in the world of the lunatic fringe, I'm not sure that our kids can.  I hear more and more stories about families in tears because some or none of their kids is walking with the Lord at all!  So how can we send our kids to schools that are literally preaching godlessness?  How many stories do we hear of kids who seemed to be walking the walk at church youth group only to end up at college and soon want nothing to do with Jesus? 

Tough balancing act for sure.

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