
Wednesday, September 21, 2022

60,000 Jews Move to Israel in Past Year

Ezekiel 37 says that Israel will be reborn on the exact land promised to Abraham and that Jews will be gathered to her from all over the world.  You can get any more prophecy-fulfilling that what we have witnessed in Israel since 1948.  It’s very hard to argue that we’re NOT in the very Last Days.


Israel absorbed 60,000 new immigrants over the past Jewish year 5782 and expects to reach 64,000 by the end of the secular year 2022, the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration reported on Monday ahead of Rosh Hashanah.

That’s more immigrants in one year than any year in the last two decades and close to a 130% increase compared to 2021, when 28,500 Jews immigrated to the country.

“It is amazing to see the rising aliyah figures for 2022 and over recent years,” David Parsons, vice president and senior spokesman for the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) – which has heavily supported aliyah for the past several decades – told ALL ISRAEL NEWS. 

“The global pandemic could not stop the return of the Jewish people to the land of Israel, and neither can the Russian government’s threats to close the door to Jewish immigration to Israel. In fact, it is only stirring more interest in Aliyah from all the former Soviet republics.”

In fact, the highest number of immigrants came to Israel as a result of the Russia-Ukraine war, according to the ICEJ – roughly 40,000 people since February. Forty-seven percent of new immigrants were from Russia and 25% from Ukraine. 

Immigrants also came from the United States (6%), France (4%) and Latin American countries (4%), as well as from Ethiopia (2%). Another 12% came from various different countries.

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