
Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Russia Issues a "Red Line" for America

 Russia will continue to be in the headlines until Jesus returns.  Why?  Because the Bible tells me so.

With that being said, here is a doozie of a headline with Russia clarifying it's red line to the USA.

We all know that USA has been sending missiles and arms to Ukraine and of course it's a big debate about who, why, when and where.  Why are we spending billions (printing more money) to send it to Ukraine when there is so much need here in America?  That's always the debate.  Of course if the world just yawns as Russia moves into Ukraine, that sends a terrible message to tyrants around the planet.  So for now we don't send troops to Ukraine but we do send bullets and missiles.

But Russia is now saying, "you better not send any long range missiles that Ukraine could use to attack Russian territory OR we will consider you to be a direct combatant."

Please note that this article is from RT News which is owned by Russia.

Washington becomes “complicit in war crimes” by supplying weapons to Kiev, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told a media briefing on Thursday. If the US decides to supply longer-range missiles to Ukraine, “it would cross the red line and become an actual party to the conflict,” she added. 

Such a move would be equivalent to deploying ground-based medium-range missiles to Europe, Zakharova said, adding that such weapons were previously banned by the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty), which the US abandoned back in 2019 under then-President Donald Trump. 

“In such a scenario, we would have to come up with an adequate response,” the spokeswoman said, adding that Russia “reserves the right to defend its territory using any means available.” 

Washington has already supplied Kiev with M142 HIMARS and M270 MLRS multiple launch rocket systems, as well as regular rounds for them capable of hitting targets at a range of about 70km. Now, Kiev also seeks to get ahold of the US-made Army Tactical Missile System, or ATACMS. These missiles, which can also be fired by HIMARS and MLRS systems, have a significantly longer range of some 300km and could strike targets deep in Russian territory.

Washington is seeking to drag the conflict in Ukraine out for as long as possible while still controlling how it develops, Zakharova said, calling it a sign of America's “direct involvement in the fighting.” She also accused the US of seeking “global destabilization” and instigating a new “arms race.” 

Her words came just a day after the Russian ambassador to Washington, Anatoly Antonov, accused the US of “inciting Kiev” against Russia, as well as aiding Ukraine’s military efforts and “boasting” about it. The diplomat also blasted US claims about not being a party to the conflict as “ridiculous” and “unfounded.” 

In September, the Pentagon revealed a new military aid package for Kiev worth $675 million. The package includes artillery ammunition, armored vehicles, and remote-launched mines, among other items.

Here;  Moscow clarifies ‘red line’ for US — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

I'm sure glad we have God's Word in order to make any sense of this.  If the billions of people on planet earth who have rejected Jesus, wake up every day and read the headlines, it would be a very glum existence.  Wars, global warming, earthquakes, massive flooding and hurricanes, droughts, homelessness, gun violence, drug deaths and addictions.  There really does seem to be no hope left for humans.

That's pretty much what the Bible said would be going on in the very Last Days.  Thankfully we have King Jesus who has it all under control and hopefully will be coming for His bride very, very soon!

Remember to keep looking up!  It's hard to be anxious or depressed while you are looking up!

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