
Monday, September 19, 2022

Are You A Christian Nationalist?

 If you believe that America’s only hope is Jesus, and you vote for people who believe Jesus is messiah, and you believe guns are a constitutional right, and you also believe we are in the very last days, then YOU may be a Christian Nationalist!  According the the Denver Post we are a very dangerous group and compared us to Putin and Erdogen, the President of Turkey.  You see Erdogen wants Muslim laws to rule Turkey to subjugate women and move towards sharia law.  But since the Denver Post thinks our Christian forefathers are the same as Muslim zealots, then Christian Nationalists must be just like the Muslims!


Lauren Boebert is part of a dangerous religious movement that threatens democracy, experts say

U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert’s pattern of pushing for a religious takeover of America, spreading falsehoods about the 2020 presidential election and warning of an impending judgment day amounts to Christian nationalism, religious, political and social experts say.

Those ideals threaten the rights of non-Christian — and typically non-white — Americans but also endanger the foundation of the country’s democratic process, those experts say. The far-right Western Slope congresswoman represents a high-profile and incendiary voice in the movement, which is infiltrating virtually every level of American government and its judiciary.

Boebert leaned on those talking points Friday — in her official capacity as a member of Congress — at the Truth & Liberty Coalition’s From Vision to Victory Conference in Woodland Park.

“It’s time for us to position ourselves and rise up and take our place in Christ and influence this nation as we were called to do,” Boebert, of Silt, told the crowd, which responded with applause.

“We know that we are in the last of the last days,” Boebert later added. “This is a time to know that you were called to be part of these last days. You get to have a role in ushering in the second coming of Jesus.”

Boebert and her contemporaries, whether in Congress, state or local governments, can be expected to increase the volume and frequency of their Christian nationalist rhetoric as the November midterm elections approach and even beyond, Philip Gorski, a sociologist and co-director of Yale’s Center for Comparative Research, said.

“This is new and worrisome,” Gorski said. “There’s an increasing number of people saying ‘We’re in this battle for the soul of America. We’re on the side of good and maybe democracy is getting in the way. Maybe we need to take power and if that means minority rule in order to impose our vision on everybody else then that’s what we’re going to do.’”

Boebert’s comments Friday in Woodland Park serve as a dog whistle for violence, said Anthea Butler, chief of the University of Pennsylvania’s Department of Religious Studies. Especially in the context of the congresswoman’s penchant for firearms and her framing the issue around the November elections.

“Now the apocalypse is because if we don’t get our people in, it’s an apocalypse,” Butler said. “She’s posing with guns and talking about the apocalypse.”

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