
Friday, September 30, 2022

Anti-Jew Sentiment Rises in Russia

It is incredibly interesting how there are only 13 million Jews in the entire world but no matter where they are, folks blame them for virtually everything.  Of course this fact should give us even more confidence in what the Bible tells us.  Satan, the Prince of the Earth, hates Jews so does everything in his power to make sure the nations hate Jews.  Of course God promises a blessing to those nations and peoples who bless Jews and Israel.  We believe this to be the one single reason why America has received such numerous blessings from God.


 Anti-Semitism has become so acceptable again in Russia that think tanks also resort to it. 

The Strategic Culture Foundation, a Russian conservative think tank frequently quoted by the Russian mainstream media, and also foreign media, published a vicious anti-Semitic comment about French-Jewish philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Lévy when he visited Ukraine last week.

“This 74-year-old French citizen, born in a family of Algerian Jews, smells blood with his nose and, without delay, flies to lap it up – and for good money,” the wrote Agnia Krengel, a regular contributor for the Foundation, in an article published by the think tank. That Jews consume blood and are obsessed with money are old anti-Semitic tropes that go back as far as the Middle Ages.

According to Bronfman, it is unlikely that Putin and his government are orchestrating the rising anti-Semitism in Russia.

“The anti-Semitic rhetoric we’re seeing now, the loosening of the taboo around it, are probably not directed directly by Putin’s government. Nor was the perception that Putin cares for Jews,” Bronfman said. “These are matters of a general atmosphere. Officials and the general population are reading between the lines on how they should treat the Jews. And the message is changing.”

Nevertheless, leading officials in Russia have shown that it has become acceptable to make nasty comments about Jews. 

Earlier this year, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov causedoutrage in Israel and abroad when he said in an interview with an Italian TV channel, “So what if Zelenskyy is Jewish? The fact does not negate the Nazi elements in Ukraine. I believe that Hitler also had Jewish blood. Some of the worst anti-Semites are Jews.” 

Putin eventually apologized to Israel for Lavrov’s remarks.

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