
Thursday, September 29, 2022


 2 Thessalonians says that "God will send great delusion" following the rapture to those folks left behind who heard the Gospel but rejected it.  We have wondered if this delusion is being foreshadowed as so many other great events of God are?  How else to you explain society pretending that men are women?  Or that anyone else besides women can have babies and breast feed them?

In today's article regarding Russia threatening use of nukes, we find the word "delusional" so it sparks our interest.  And yes, we believe that President Biden shows signs of being delusional.  Probably not a good person to have at the helm of the ship when all hell seems to be breaking loose from many different directions.

Russia's nuclear doctrine is called "escalate to deescalate" or, more appropriately, "escalate to win," which means threatening or using nukes early in a conventional conflict.

Even if Putin is now bluffing — most analysts think he is — he is getting what he wants with threats. Biden, for instance, has been cautious and even timid in providing military assistance to a beleaguered Ukraine. Putin has obviously noticed, which is the reason he has been making more such threats.

Why, then, doesn't the United States have what it needs at this crucial moment: nuclear-tipped cruise missiles like Putin's? The arms-control community, arguing that such low-yield weapons would make nuclear war more likely, persuaded American presidents not to build them. President Trump authorized their development, but Biden cancelled the program.

Unfortunately, arms-control advocates got it backwards. As evident from today's developments, America lacking low-yield nuclear warheads on cruise missiles is making nuclear war more likely, not less.

"The United States will need to reduce its nuclear arsenal to encourage Russia to do the same," wrote Tom Collina and Angela Kellett on the 21st of this month on the Defense One site.

Entice Russia into disarmament? Been there. Tried that. Failed miserably.

Is it possible to work with Putin at this time?

Even if we can put aside the morality of talking to a genocidal mass murderer — we cannot — it is reckless to believe Putin might actually honor arms-control agreements when he has continually violated them with impunity.

Moreover, it is bad enough to argue for disarmament in peacetime, but it is the height of folly to do so during war — and when China and North Korea are making first-strike nuclear threats of their own.

America's arms-control advocates have always been naïve. Now, they are delusional.

Here;  Biden Has Opened Door to Russian Nuke Strikes :: Gatestone Institute

The world is a dangerous place filled with lots of nasty people willing to do some atrocious things.  Probably the best plan is to speak softly and carry a really big stick.

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