
Thursday, September 29, 2022

A Perfect Storm on Top of A Perfect Storm

 What did Jesus say about conditions to expect in the very Last Days?  There will be famine.  This news is no surprise as we know that drought here in America has ruined many crops and many cattle ranches.  We might be wealthy enough here in America to keep ourselves fed but already our local Food Shelves are feeling it.  The cars line up for blocks to get their box of food.  Now imagine what the 4 billion folks who live on less than $5 per day are going to do?  The Bible says that men will one day work all day long just for a quart of wheat.  It takes a quart of wheat per day to keep a working man alive.


The United Nations’ Food chief is urging the public to prepare for famine and widespread food shortage next year amid an severe fertilizer supply shortage.

The pandemic, climate problems and the Russian, Ukranian war and inflation are crippling production of the global food supply production, World Food Program Director David Beasley told the Associated Press on Thursday.

“If we don’t get on top of this quickly — and I don’t mean next year, I mean this year — you will have a food availability problem in 2023,” he said. “And that’s gonna be hell.”

 Currently, the world produces enough food to feed over 7.7 billion people, but maintaining an adequate amount of fertilizer and farmers is crucial to producing at least 50 percent of that food, Beasely argued.

“We’ve got to get those fertilizers moving, and we’ve got to move it quickly,” he admoished. “Asian rice production is at a critical state right now Seeds are in the ground.”

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