
Wednesday, September 28, 2022

New Book Details Trump’s Transphobic and Anti-Gay Behavior

 The Left just can’t leave this guy alone.  Now, a new book out by NYT reporter is telling stories to prove that Trump was a transphobe and also a homophobe!  No!!!!!   Those sins of questioning the mental health of gays and trans folks are much worse than stealing nuclear secrets or ordering the death of an Iranian general! the eyes of those on the Left.  Forget about the FACT that as recently as 40 years ago the top doctors and psychiatrists in the world told us that gay and trans folks suffered from a mental disorder.  Today, they tell us, the science is in, and it’s a new FACT that people are genderless and sexless until they TELL us their identity.  No more can you ask a pregnant person, “is it a boy or a girl”.  Soon, such a question could land you in hate-crime court for asking such a genderphobic question.  Cancel culture is winning and we all need to push back or we will all lose our freedom of speech rights forever.


Haberman presents Trump as a boorish homophobe obsessed with sexuality and appearing masculine—often to the horror of his aides—and details a number of instances, over the course of decades, when Trump’s true colors shone through.

According to an excerpt obtained by The Daily Beast, a week before the second debate unfolded in St. Louis in 2016, Trump’s close adviser at the time, Reince Priebus, presented the aspiring political figure with a question on same-sex bathrooms.

In playing the role of a female transgender student, Priebus asked Trump whether this hypothetical student could still use the girl’s bathroom.

Without missing a beat, Trump said he had a question.

“Cocked or decocked?” Trump asked.

Offering up a “blank stare,” the group was taken aback.

“Decocked?” an unspecified individual in the room responded.

Trump then began making “a chopping gesture.” “With cock or without cock?” he said.

At that moment, his advisers sitting within Trump Tower had come to understand that Trump wanted to know if the imaginary student had transitioned and undergone bottom surgery.

“What difference does that make?” an adviser in the room responded to Trump. The now-former president shot back that such a determination would impact his answer.

“What if a girl was in the bathroom and someone came in, lifted up a skirt, and a schlong was hanging out,” Trump continued, according to Haberman’s book Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America.

Throughout the book, Haberman details how the now-former president would also frequently engage in guessing who might be gay.

For example, when the AIDS virus began spreading in New York City in the early ’80s, Trump phoned reporters to find out if people he’d met and shook hands with were gay.

But that was mild for the early Trump years.

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