
Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Ex-CIA Officer Says Putin is Completely Cornered. Danger of Tactical Nukes Rises

 We all know what happens when you corner a wild animal.  It will lash out and do anything it can to get out of that corner.

An ex-CIA officer said Putin has been backed into a corner over his months-long war in Ukraine. 

Robert Baer told CNN that the Russian leader is unlikely to deescalate, given all his setbacks.

Baer also said the chances that Putin turns to tactical nuclear weapons are increasing. 

As military setbacks in Ukraine force Russian President Vladimir Putin into a corner, the odds that he turns to tactical nuclear weapons continue to increase, an ex-CIA officer said.

"I think the chances of his de-escalating are close to zero ... he simply cannot give up so much ground and be seen to be losing and continue as leader of Russia," Robert Baer, a former CIA case officer, told CNN on Tuesday.

"The chances of his using nuclear weapons — at least tactical nuclear weapons —is going up by the day," Baer added.

Ukrainian forces have recently liberated thousands of square miles of territory previously under Russian occupation in counteroffensives along the war's eastern and southern fronts — a move that appears to have sparked a shift in Putin's approach to the seven-month-long conflict. 

Last week, the Russian leader delivered a rare televised address in which he announced the partial military mobilization of his country's reservists, paving the way for more troops to deploy to Ukraine. Immediately after, Russians took to the streets and protested against the war. Many fled the country by any means necessary, fearing a call-up to fight. 

Here;  Ex-CIA officer says Putin is 'completely cornered' and the chances of him using tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine are increasing 'by the day' (

We can't imagine that Putin will EVER draw back from Ukraine, give back all the territory he's trying to hold and say, "so sorry world that I put everyone through such hardship and angst!  I especially apologize for the thousands of deaths on both sides.  Again, so sorry, please forgive me."

So what happens if Putin is drawn into a corner?  What do tactical nukes even look like when they explode?  So they just incinerate a battle field and not an entire city?

Can you see how the world is quite literally coming apart at the seams on so many levels?  Does it seem like the world might soon shout for a man that can come up with some answers as to how we can fix everything?  Can you see how the stage is being set for the Antichrist to arrive?

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