
Monday, September 26, 2022

Germany's Economy is Collapsing

Back in July of 2018, Trump was in Europe warning the Germans that "they are totally controlled by Russia".  People laughed at Trump for saying such a thing to the economic powerhouse of Europe.  You can watch Trump say this on CBS Evening News right here;

And now today we read that Germany's economy is in serious trouble and most of the pain is being caused by Germany not being in control of it's energy markets.  Sounds like Trump was right on this too.

Things are starting to get really crazy in Germany.  The Germans are dealing with the worst inflation crisis that they have seen since the days of the Weimar Republic, and meanwhile economic activity is starting to shut down all over the nation.  Of course other European countries are facing similar problems, but Germany was supposed to be the economic rock that the rest of Europe could always depend upon.  

Unfortunately, the decision by the Russians to cut off the flow of gas through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline is hitting Germany extremely hard.  If we could just get both sides to agree to end the war in Ukraine, that would greatly help matters, but that simply isn't going to happen.  In fact, it appears that Vladimir Putin has decided to greatly escalate matters, and the western powers will inevitably greatly escalate matters in response.  

What this means is that the economic turmoil that we are witnessing in Europe isn't going anywhere any time soon.

This week, we got some inflation numbers out of Germany that are so high that it is difficult to believe that they are actually real...

German producer prices rose in August at the fastest rate since records began in 1949, data released by the Federal Statistical Office showed today, pointing to a further increase in consumer prices.

Producer prices of industrial products rose by 45.8 percent compared to the same month of last year. Compared to July 2022, prices rose 7.9 percent.

Soaring energy prices on the back of Russia's war against the Ukraine remain the main driver behind rising prices.

If we continue to see monthly increases of around 8 percent, next year at this time we could be talking about a yearly jump of close to 100 percent.


How bad do things have to get before we actually start using the term "hyperinflation"?

Energy prices are the biggest reason why inflation has gotten completely out of control, and the German government has been forced to nationalize a huge natural gas company in order to keep it from going under...

The German government is closing in on an agreement to nationalize gas giant Uniper SE, as Berlin moves to stave off a collapse of the country's energy sector.

We continue to believe that the world will not melt down into total chaos until AFTER Jesus returns for His bride, the church.  We know it's a point of contention even among Pre-Millennialists, but we believe Jesus said that events will be pretty normal right up to the end of the age.  Folks will be eating, drinking, planning weddings, getting married, planting crops and trees and building buildings right up until the time that Noah and his kids were sealed in the ark and then floated above the destruction of all things.  The fact that the world is very close to a total economic meltdown should be one other "sign of the times" that keeps us eagerly looking for Jesus our Savior.

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