
Sunday, September 25, 2022

What if Russia IS Fighting Against Godlessness of the West?

 What if you were the leader of a nation and you believed your enemy was supporting the very destruction of family, gender and worship of God that has held your civilization together for 1000 years?  What if you believed that if they took over your nation that they would corrupt your children into believing that gender is fluid and that kids can decide their sexual gender?  What if you believed they would push the worship of Satan upon your populace?  What if you believed that they would push gay marriage into law and jail anyone who didn’t celebrate LGBTQ?  What if you were Putin and his cabinet and you saw this going on in America and The West and believed they would push it onto Russia by shoving their ungodly beliefs into Ukraine before ultimately corrupting your country?  We don’t support Putin but we also don’t support the perversion that has taken over America and is actively fighting against Russia via Ukraine?  Think about it.


Russia is at war with an anti-religious civilisation that fights God and overthrows the very foundations of spiritual and moral values: God, the Church, the family, gender, man. With all the differences between Orthodoxy, traditional Islam, Judaism, Hinduism or Buddhism, all religions and the cultures built upon them recognise divine truth, the high spiritual and moral dignity of man, honouring traditions and institutions – the state, the family, the community. The modern West has abolished all this, replacing it with virtual reality, extreme individualism, the destruction of gender, universal surveillance, a totalitarian ‘abolition culture’, a post-truth society.

You don’t have to accept Dugin’s claims that Russia is fighting some kind of holy war against this enemy — I emphatically do not — to believe that Dugin’s description of what the West has become is pretty much on target. Why does this matter? Because all of us in the West need to think about what it is we are defending. What values we are advancing in the world. It is an ugly picture, a picture of desecration and destruction. Seeing this clearly does not make you a Putinist. It just means you can read the signs of the times. One of my sources for Live Not By Lies, a scientist and anti-communist immigrant to the US from the Soviet bloc, told me yesterday:

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