
Sunday, September 25, 2022

US Warns Russia of Catastrophic Consequences if it Nukes Ukraine

 The war is not going too well for Putin.  He’s calling up reserves like the draft and that has lots of Russian men fleeing the country and lots of others protesting.  The fact that we are seeing headlines like this speaking of nuclear war and what USA would do to Russia if they nuke Ukraine should be filed in the front pocket of “Wars and rumors of War”.  Putin does seem like a dude who would do something drastic rather than lose the war in Ukraine.


The U.S. has warned the Kremlin of the devastating consequences Russia would face should nuclear weapons be used in Ukraine, national security adviser Jake Sullivan said Sunday.

"If Russia crosses this line, there will be catastrophic consequences for Russia," Sullivan said on NBC's "Meet the Press." "The United States will respond decisively. In private channels, we have spelled out in greater detail exactly what that would mean."

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said he does not believe Putin was bluffing when he said last week that he would be justified in using any force necessary – implying tactical nuclear weapons are not off the table.

"He wants to scare the whole world," Zelenskyy said. "I think the world is deterring it and containing this threat. We need to keep putting pressure on him."

Sullivan also said Putin must be held accountable for the war crimes and atrocities Russian troops have committed in Ukraine, but acknowledged diplomacy will ultimately be required to end the conflict. That almost certainly won't happen until Putin's ready to negotiate.

"One man chose this war," Sullivan said. "One man is directing this war. One man is responsible for this war. That man is Vladimir Putin.''

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