Friday, September 9, 2022

Transpecies. It's for Sure a Thing

 What if a 13 year old girl claims to be a boy?  Well, that's just called transgender and we all have to pretend that the girl is a boy.  But what if that 13 year old girl claims she is actually stuck in the wrong body and is not really a human but is actually a cat?  The delusional liberals are most likely going to force us all to acknowledge that she is a cat and treat her as such. If you refuse you could be guilty of being a speciphobic hater.

A couple of months back, I was told that in an Ontario public school (which I will not name), there was a student identifying as a cat--and the teachers were going along with it. At the time, I thought it must be a joke. 

Sure, there's been the occasional story of people identifying as aliens or animals or whatever--but they don't get taken very seriously, and the practicality of affirming a students' feline identity seems untenable (litter boxes?). But apparently I have yet to learn the primary principle of our post-Christian age: Things can always get stupider.

According to the Daily Mail, in Melbourne, Australia, there is a teenage girl who identifies as cat. The private school she attends is affirming the girl's "animal behavior," and apparently the staff even cooperates with her refusal to speak during her day at school. 

An Australian newspaper described her as "phenomenally bright," and a source who knows the family told the Herald Sun that: "No one seems to have a protocol for students identifying as animals, but the approach has been that if it doesn't disrupt the school, everyone is being supportive."

This stuff actually makes one's brain hurt. Are we so detached from reality that we need protocols to deal with a teenager who says she's a cat? We can't simply just say "seriously, smarten up" and call a psychiatrist if they appear genuinely believe what they're saying? To give credence to a teenage girl's demand that people recognize her as a cat renders the very English language devoid of all discernible meaning.

The school, meanwhile, declined to affirm whether Cat Girl existed, but did say that their "support staff was dealing with a range of psychological issues...from mental health, anxiety, or identity issues." The girl identifying as a cat is allegedly "phenomenally bright," and the school has apparently also dealt with a boy who identified as a dog but reverted back after treatment by a psychologist. According to the Australian press, this behavior is spreading:

In March it was reported that female students at an elite Brisbane private school were walking on all fours and cutting holes into their uniforms for tails because they identify as cats or foxes. 'When a girl went to sit at a spare desk, another girl screamed at her and said she was sitting on her tail; there's a slit in this child's uniform where the tail apparently is,' a concerned parent told the Courier Mail. 

There are other unconfirmed rumors of girls identifying as cats, although no reports on how the staff is dealing with it.

Reading stories like this, I wonder how much pressure our collective psyche can handle. There has been an immensely encouraging backlash to transgender "treatments" for children over the past year, and some indication that the evidence of the trauma we are inflicting on a bewildered generation is breaking into public consciousness. 

The Bible warns us what happens to societies that totally reject God and his order.  They collapse or are "given over" to their own perverted desires.

The reality for all of us who claim Christ is HOW are we going to live in and among these delusional folks who are sinking the boat?  All we can do is try to speak the truth to those whom the Lord is awakening.  We all have family, neighbors and friends who are lost in this "woke" society where good is called evil, evil is called good and boys are called girls and girls are called cats.


Blogger RC said...

It is Christ or chaos.

When you reject the one who is TRUTH, any lie will do.

I personally identify as the Great and Powerful OZ!

Preferred pronouns: He/Him (because patriarchy - duh!)
Preferred adjectives: Handsom, sexy, wise, witty, perfect, loveable, inspiring...whew...I need to stop I am getting light-headed thinking about how great I am.

But all-ya-all need to affirm me!

September 9, 2022 at 1:39 PM  
Blogger dennis said...

Agreed! We wonder if this is all foreshadowing of the GREAT DELUSION that God will send as mentioned in 2nd Thessalonians to all of those who heard the TRUTH but rejected the TRUTH?

September 12, 2022 at 11:11 AM  

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