
Wednesday, October 5, 2022

A Woke Military is a Weak Military

 A few years back we Conservatives knew with certainty that almost all of the soldiers, of all stripes, in the US Military were also conservatives.  We could take comfort in knowing that the military was “on our side” if the liberals in D.C. ever decided to crack down on us.  But now the White House has purged the conservative generals and are turning our military schools into the same woke, liberal factories as the other universities.  Words like “mom” and “dad” are simply too triggering to be used in the military anymore.  Tragic!  While soldiers from other armies are being taught how to wage war, our are being taught how to shower with a transgender without making “them” uncomfortable.


Our crew patrolled the Iron Curtain; were a conflict to break out, we knew we would be outnumbered in the fight by a margin of seven to one.  We weren’t just facing down an enemy army, though: As President Ronald Reagan stated, in facing the Soviet Union, we were facing a true “evil empire,” an empire whose foundation was not just tanks, or infantrymen, or nuclear warheads. Marxism formed the core of the communist lie we fought against.  Now, Marxism’s false, empty, and broken ideas – ideas that America defeated over 30 years ago – are taking root throughout our nation’s military. That’s unacceptable.  America’s military needs to wake up.

This sickness has most recently taken hold in the Air Force.  The United States Air Force Academy – the sister university to West Point – has created a fellowship program that excludes men who identify as men.  Academy cadets are being told to avoid committing “microaggressions” by replacing terms such as “you guys” and “terrorists” with terms that have been deemed “less offensive.”  Instructors tell cadets that they should use the terms “parent or caregiver,” instead of saying “mom and dad.”  You can say “partner,” but not “boyfriend or girlfriend.”  Under the Biden Administration, our Air Force cannot call terrorists what they are, yet considers “mom and dad” to be offensive language.  We have put pronouns over potency in our fighting forces.

It doesn’t stop with the Air Force. As I have discussed before, on its “Foundational” reading list for sailors, the Chief of Naval Operations Professional Reading Program included Ibram X. Kendi’s book, How to Be an Antiracist.  West Point, my alma mater, is now employing aspects of critical race theory in its administration and teaches critical race theory to cadets.

Critical race theory, wokeness, and similar Marxist offshoots propose that race, gender, and other arbitrary characteristics must determine relationships between people, even between soldiers.  They propose that racism is, supposedly, still concealed within the fabric of America’s military institutions.  Even communist nations today, such as the People’s Republic of China, reject such notions in their own militaries for the sake of military readiness and cohesion.

How can we ask young men and women who have decided to risk their lives for America, even die for America, to affirm that our country is inherently racist?  How can we ask them to view their brothers and sisters in arms through the narrow prisms of race or gender? The clear and obvious answer is that we cannot – not without putting their lives at risk on the battlefield.  A woke military is a weak military.  Unfortunately, woke and weak are exactly what our military is becoming under President Biden’s leadership.

There can only be one standard in our nation’s military: excellence.  Anything else undermines the core values of faith, honor, duty, and service to others that are the pillars of America’s military power.

When I think of excellence, I think of the young gunner in my platoon.  He was an immigrant who had chosen to fight for America.  I didn’t choose him to be my gunner because of who he was, or his background, or his race or identity.  I chose him because he could hit a moving target at a distance of three miles with a 105-millimeter round.  I chose him because he was good, because he was excellent and noble.  Not one person in my crew – not one – cared about race or identity. What we cared about was whether you could perform your duties with excellence under the greatest pressures imaginable. That’s what is at the core of a successful and powerful military: excellence. That is what our armed forces should center their training and standards around, just as they have for all of their existence.

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