
Tuesday, October 4, 2022

People Will be Offended

This is pretty interesting and we haven’t spent much time thinking about it.  But we certainly have become a nation of offended people!  If you say or don’t say something, or you do or don’t say something you can be canceled, lose your job, lose your career or even lose your life.  Of course none of us in America remember such a time because there hasn’t been a time like this before where good is called evil and evil is called good.


When giving the signs of His return, Jesus listed something you may not have spent much time thinking about — offense. In Matthew 24:10, the  Lord said, “And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another.”

There has never been a time when more people were more offended over more things than right now. Offense is everywhere in our day. People are offended by things both real and imagined; by words spoken and words unspoken. They are not only offended by your political affiliation, but even by the kind of car you drive. They are offended by names and by whole regions of the country. Most people today have a highly honed, well-developed sense of offense. And they keep it ever on alert, just in case.

Beware of this. Jesus said, offense is followed by betrayal and hatred. Those are happening, too.

Most of our society has been infected. We have made taking offense a sign of virtue, and we have shaped it into a fine art. It is one of the main things now taught in public schools, even though it harms both society as a whole and the individual children being taught. It infuses the music of our age, as well as other entertainments. Society reinforces it in the news media (left and right), in the home, and, yes, even in the church. What a sad thing!

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