
Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Jews Continue Practicing for 3rd Temple

 The religious Jews in Israel continue to prepare and practice for the coming of messiah.  Of course the soon to be built Temple is at the middle of their preparations.  They continue to practice Temple ceremonies because they know that their messiah is close!  Of course followers of Jesus know the Jews rejected him as messiah and their preparations are actually paving the way to accept Antichrist.  This should encourage us as one more sign that the rapture of the church is closer than it has ever been.


The ceremony culminated in the priestly blessing after which the once-in-seven-years Hakhel ceremony was held.

Though not explicitly mandated in the Torah, the water libation is part of the oral tradition passed down from Moses. Sukkot is a joyous holiday and the water libation was the focal point of this joy. In the Temple, the ceremony would take fifteen hours with accompanying celebrations lasting all night until the Temple servicebegan again the next morning. Nations came from around the world to take part in the Sukkoth celebrations making it international worship of  God.

In Temple times, a libation of water was made together with the pouring out of wine at the morning service on the last six days of the week-long Sukkot holiday. Kohanim descended from the Temple to the Shiloach Spring at the base of Mount Moriah, where they filled the flask with three log of spring water (approximately two pints) and returned to the Temple.

It should be noted that the year after Shemitah is auspicious for the arrival of the Messiah. The Babylonian Talmud in the Tractate of Sanhedrin, 97a, brings the verse from Amos:

“On that day, will I raise up the fallen booth (Sukkah) of David.”Amos 9:11

This verse comes in the context of a prophecy about God bringing the nation of Israel back from exile among the nations. Amidst descriptions of the days preceding the Messiah, the Talmud says:

“As it is written, in that day I will raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen. Our Rabbis taught: in the seven-year cycle at the end of which the son of David will come in the first year, this verse will be fulfilled.”

On Rosh Hashanna, two weeks ago, the Shemittah (Sabbatical year) ended. The Talmud is stating explicitly that the Messiah will come in the first year after the Shemitah.  It should be noted that the Talmud describes the days before the Messiah in-depth, and they are especially difficult times.

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