
Tuesday, October 11, 2022

“We’ll Have Fun in Hell!”

 Have you ever heard someone say, “I want to go to hell!  Cuz that’s where my friends will be!”

Now check out the first 20 seconds of this video recorded at Howard Stern’s birthday bash.  Steven Tyler of Aerosmith tells Howard, “Here’s to hell!  I hope we have as much fun there as we did here!”  To which Howard replies, “Oh, we’re definitely going there!”

Millions, maybe billions, of people are going to be surprised when they show up in hell.  It won’t be a keg party. It won’t be wild sex with strangers.  It won’t be smoking weed with your homies while playing video games.  It will be terrible, awful, lonely and even physically painful.  And the worst part will be that their brain will quickly realize that this miserable experience they are having will never end.

So for Howard and his buddies, hell is no joking matter.

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