
Sunday, October 9, 2022

Opening the Door for Polygamy

 We knew it would be coming.  I had to!  How can you say you support equal rights for bisexuals and yet say they have to choose only one sex to marry?  How can you not support a man who says he was BORN with the desire to love more than one woman by NOT granting him the right to marry more than one woman?

According to CBN News, Bacdayan ruled late last month that a man in a polyamorous relationship had the same rights that other married individuals had regarding housing.

The Washington Examiner reported that Scott Anderson and Robert Romano were married to each other and had been “life partners” for 25 years. Despite the typical entanglements like joint bank accounts and being named as beneficiaries on each other’s retirement accounts, they lived separately “to provide them comfort and space.”

A third individual named Markyus O’Neill moved into Anderson’s rent-controlled apartment in 2012, one year after beginning a relationship with him. While Romano knew of the relationship, he wasn’t friends with O’Neill and disapproved of the arrangement.

When Anderson died, O’Neill was denied the opportunity to renew the rent-controlled lease. He sued, arguing the polyamorous relationship made him a “non-traditional family member.”

Bacdayan agreed, writing in her Sept. 23 ruling that “the time has arrived” for courts to recognize such arrangements as legally binding even — if there’s no legal undergirding to them.

“The existence of a triad should not automatically dismiss respondent’s claim to noneviction protections,” she wrote in her decision. “What was ‘normal’ or ‘nontraditional’ in 1989 is not a barometer for what is normal or nontraditional now. Indeed, the definition of ‘family’ has morphed considerably since 1989. Specifically, many articles have been written about multi-person relationships in recent years, revealing a preference that for some has long been known.”

Here:  New York Judge's Bombshell Marriage Ruling May Establish Playbook for a Sexual Deviant's Paradise (

God is who invented and defined marriage.  One man and one woman.  

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