
Friday, December 23, 2022

Just Say You Are a Girl and CA Will Give You a New Birth Certificate

 The grand delusion continues to gain ground.  Simply announce to everyone within earshot that “I’m a girl today!”, and you are one!  No uterus?  No problem!  Have a penis?  Turns out lots of women do!  Are you a sex offender in a man’s body but now that you are sentenced to jail you would like to be incarcerated with women?  No problem!  Just announce to the judge that you are a woman and that’s where you will go, to women’s prison!

Remember friends, this would have never happened even 10 years ago!  God says that He literally will give the minds over to delusion of those who reject him and practice perversion.  This is what we are watching.  No matter the cost we need to push back on this.  God created them male and female, end of story.


Self-ID has already been the law in California since 2018. In that state, anyone can obtain a new birth certificate with the opposite sex marked as their own. The law does not require input from any physician, or any surgical or hormonal changes to the person's body.

Self-ID means that any person (man or woman) can simply declare himself or herself to be a member of the opposite sex and to have the government validate that delusion on demand. No one, anywhere in the world, has properly grappled with the implications of this. Most of the people pushing back globally are politically left-leaning feminists, and the vast majority of people (regardless of political orientation) agree with us.

Feminists have argued for years that allowing anyone to "self-identify" as any gender will result in men forcing themselves into women's spaces. This is already happening in the U.S. at the state level. Many states allow men to be housed in women's prisons on the basis of their self-declared "female gender identity." California's SB 132 was enacted in 2020 and went into effect in January 2021. Washington state does the same thing by way of administrative policy. New Jersey implemented a similar policy through a settlement agreement with the ACLU. Incarcerated women all over the country are being assaulted, raped, and impregnated by men who claim to be women (many of whom have been convicted of very serious crimes like rape and murder). These women are terrified. This should be a national and international scandal.


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