
Wednesday, December 21, 2022

We Have to be Salt and Light in this Age of Deception

 Here is a great article reminding all believers that we can’t check out and remain silent as the world falls into mass deception.  Salt is a preservative and won’t stop the world from rotting but will slow it down.  Light is Jesus Christ that we are supposed to shine into the darkness until He returns for us.  We have a huge mission field at this time, so Onward Christian Soldiers!


As we face these last days, the devil wants to revive ‘the Dark Ages,’ so to speak. He wants a spiritual dark age. Don’t let the darkness win! Refuse to allow the world to rot and waste away. Don’t be safe, be salient. Don’t go dark at the precise moment the world is agonizing for Light. Don’t go silent just when the world is desperate for the “Word of Life” (1 John 1:1).

These are the last days (2 Timothy 3:1-12). The most recent Pew Research Poll shows that 55% of Americans believe we live in the End Times. Not 55% of Christians, church-goers, or Bible-readers; 55% of all Americans. The fields are truly ripe for harvesting (John 4:35).

What will the End Times be like? Dark. Lonely. Desperate. Filled with rage, war, pestilence (disease), and societal upheaval. We see Jesus’ words in Matthew 24 happening as if the pages of the Bible were being written before our eyes. Religious persecution, famine, natural disasters, a spirit of antichrist, and financial crises are here and multiplying. Could there be a better description of our time? Church, this is our moment!

Be His voice in the silence. Be His light in the darkness. Be His salt in the time of decay and tastelessness.

Have you ever had the lights come on at a time you wished for darkness? If you have, you know the world’s reaction won’t be positive when we point the light into their evil deeds or shine God’s Word into their darkened hearts.

Speak the Unwelcome Truth 

Don’t expect hugs and kisses when you speak the truth to people who want to hear lies, soothing words, and calming babble (2 Timothy 4:3). Truth won’t be popular when cleverly devised fables are in vogue (2 Peter 1:16).

The world has become accustomed to hearing lies. This is like Ezekiel’s account when God said His people were being led astray by leaders saying soothingly, “Peace, peace…’ when there is no peace…” (Ezekiel 13:10).

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