
Tuesday, January 10, 2023

All's Not Rosy in Israel as "Civil War" Phrase Gets Tossed Out

 If you haven't figured it out already, it's not just America that is coming apart at the seams.  The world seems to be coming apart at the seams.  Many people are very, very divided.  Here in America the divide is between the "woke" Left who believe that men can have babies and that wolves and cats can actually be trapped inside human bodies, vs. those on the Right don't buy into any of their delusional thinking.

But these divides are happening all over the world.  Even in Israel there a lot of angry Jews who maybe aren't going to coexist much longer.

Remember, Benjamin Netanyahu just got re elected as Prime Minister after 5 elections were unable to put together a coalition government.  So power is very tenuous there.  Lots and lots of disagreements on how Israel should be moving forward.

National Unity party chairman and former Defense Minister Benny Gantz excoriated Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, accusing him of leading Israel towards civil war.

Speaking at a faction meeting of the National Unity party Monday afternoon, Gantz lambasted the new right-wing government’s planned judicial reforms, which were proposed last week by newly minted Justice Minister Yariv Levin (Likud).

Gantz accused the Likud of moving forward with the reforms – long pushed by the Right to curtail the ability of the Supreme Court to overturn Knesset laws – in order to shield Netanyahu from prosecution in his ongoing corruption trials.

“If you think that we won’t give you a fair trial, don’t try to correct it by doing an injustice to the State of Israel and Israeli society,” Gantz said, calling the proposed judicial reforms “anti-patriotic and anti-Zionist.”

“If you continue down the path you are now taking, you will bear the responsibility for the eventual civil war in Israeli society,” he said.

“I am telling you this as clearly as possible: You have chosen audacity, but we will choose to fight you in a just struggle…

“The plan you are pushing and enabling will cause catastrophic harm to national security, as well as to the personal sense of security of every citizen in every sector of the population….

“Without a strong, independent judiciary, Israel will be weak against our enemies and the effort to delegitimize us.”

Opposition leader and former prime minister Yair Lapid also denounced the planned reforms Monday, which sparked demonstrations drawing thousands of left-wing protesters in Tel Aviv over the weekend, vowing to continue the “war over our home.”

“At this point we’re not even arguing with the government about politics. We are fighting for the continued existence of Israel, and for the basic idea of being able to live together, which this evil government mercilessly wants to crush,” he said.

Here;  Gantz threatens civil war, tells Netanyahu 'we will choose to fight you' | World Israel News

This division in Israel is going to increase Israeli desires for a strong leader.  We believe this will further pave the way for them to accept the Antichrist when he shows up.

We honestly don't know how much longer the world can stay together without a massive eruption of wars, famines, lawlessness, financial collapse and disease.  There are some prophecy writers who look at it all and conclude that "we are on the very cusp of the rapture."

We sure hope so.

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