
Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Large Numbers of “Christians” Don’t Believe that Jesus is the Only Way

 This shouldn’t surprise us because Jesus said there would be a great falling away in the very Last Days. Most Bible teachers believe he was referencing a time when people who claim to be followers of Christ actually reject the clear teachings of the Bible.  “No man comes to the Father except through me”, is deemed too harsh and unrealistic so they invent another, different Jesus.  One more to their liking.  And in that process they create a false idol and break even more of God’s laws.


While Walrond's openness as a Christian to the idea that there are many paths to God beyond Christianity may have been shocking to some, new research shows a widespread departure among Christians from traditional Bible teaching such as Jesus being the only way to God. And some scholars have blamed this ideological shift in part on influential divinity schools and charismatic church leaders.

Rejecting God of the Bible

In 2008, a Pew Research Center Study found that more than half of all American Christians believe that at least some non-Christian faiths can lead to salvation. Nearly a decade later, a new study has shown that even among the most traditional Christian groups, significant minorities are also rejecting God as described in the Bible.

While 80 percent of all Americans surveyed in the new study, also conducted by the Pew Research Center, said they believe in God, only 56 percent say the God they believe in is the one "as described in the Bible."

The strongest supporters of God as described in the Bible were Christians who self-identified as members of historically black Protestant churches at 92 percent, followed closely by evangelicals at 91 percent.

Significant minorities of Christians who identified as Catholics, 28 percent, and mainline Protestants, 26 percent, indicated that they believe in a higher power or spiritual force which is not God as described in the Bible.

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